"We must learn from the mistakes of others because we won't live long enough to make them all ourselves."
Before recovery, I was very judgmental. I especially liked pointing out other people's mistakes and making fun of how stupid they could be. When I made a mistake, I was quick to blame circumstances or others, and rarely did I take responsibility or admit that perhaps I was to blame. After years of avoiding or evading the consequences of my mistakes, they finally caught up with me and I had to surrender.
When I entered recovery, I was still in denial about my behavior, and each time I heard someone share I would think: "I wasn't that bad," and "They sure need to be here". My sponsor reminded me to listen for the similarities not the differences, and soon I began to identify not with their actions, but with their feelings. Once I identified with their feelings, I learned the powerful word "yet". I hadn't made those mistakes yet, but if I had continued drinking and using I probably would have.
Over the years I've learned to listen to and benefit from other people's experience. Now when I hear of the mistakes others have made I'm quick to see how I've done something similar, or how I could have easily made the same mistake given similar circumstances. Today I'm grateful for the mistakes I've made and for what they have taught me, and I'm even more grateful for the mistakes of others. You see, I understand that:
"We must learn from the mistakes of others because we won't live long enough to make them all ourselves."
Please Pass it On!
Copyright @ 2014 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I like this...I remember my first few meetings...Looking at these people and saying to myself....I have nothing in common with them. But I made made a commitment to myself that I was going to do 180 meetings in 90 days...Double what they suggested I should do. I got a little pocket date book and marked off how many I did every day...Sometimes two...Somtimes three....Even did four a few times. And I worked the first nine steps in that time.
The more I showed up...The more I saw the similarites...The more I saw I was exactly like these people. These people I had nothing in common with...Are today some of the closest friends I've ever had...That's no lie. That's really great advice...Don't look for the differences.....As one old timer put it to me...Identify..Don't compare.
And don't forget the "yets"....If we continue drinking...We get worse never better.
As far as learning from other's mistakes goes....I do learn....But I don't think I'm grateful for it...It pains me in my heart to see people fail. I've seen people die....I can't find it in me to be grateful for that. But I learn from it.