The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. -- Chinese proverb
Life holds so many choices now that we are sober. We'd like to go so many places. We'd like to see so many things. We have so much to do.
We are slowly learning how to trust our dreams and reach for them. Our program teaches us that we live One Day at a Time. We make progress by doing First Things First, Easy Does It.
Our dreams may seem very big and far away. We wonder if we'll ever get there. But our faith tells us to go for it. And we know how: One Step at a Time.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, help me know this gentle truth that my life matters. Help me set goals that I can grow toward, one step at a time.
Action for the Day
Today I'll think about one of my goals. I will list ten little steps that will help me get there.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'