"Over the years I've gone to different types of groups to meet different needs in my life or to share experience, strength, and hope about a particular problem I was struggling with. Some days I've been part of the solution for another suffering alcoholic; other days I've been the one who was suffering.
"Thanks to our Fifth Tradition, no matter what my needs or my location I can find an AA group where I can talk about -- and listen to -- not drinking one day at a time, practicing the principles in all of my affairs, and being happily and usefully whole."
It still amazes me that I can be going through a particular "problem" and I go to a meeting and either the topic, share or shares or "right on". I am sharing more in meetings now and I always say a prayer to God beforehand that if there is anything I can say to help another alcoholic in the room, to give me the words. Sometimes I just open my mouth and the words flow out--no planning on my part at all. Other times no words come out. There is a reason for that, too, I know. So I just sit there and listen.
Thanks Mike B.