"The secret, kid," said the seal, bending toward him and speaking behind his flipper, "is to have a good compass and a following wind." --Will Watkins Sid Seal, Houseman
The secret, for us, is to never let our recovery become "dead in the water." We keep a good compass by working the Steps. Working the Steps tells us what we need to be doing and where we need to go in our recovery. Our sponsor helps us with this and helps us stay on course.
We also need the energy behind us to keep us from getting stalled out. We keep this energy this "tailwind" by making our program a way of life. The more we put ourselves in its path, the more the recovery wind keeps us moving. We stay in the path of this wind by going to meetings at least once a week and by using recovery tools as a matter of habit every day.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, help me remember that my spirituality has a lot to do with the way I use my life energy.
Today's Action
Are there days when I'd like to skip my reading, my prayer, my meetings, my conscious contact with my Higher Power? I will talk with my sponsor about a plan to get through this kind of day next time it comes up.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'