Basically I have been sober for a year and half and i want to get back into the gym and work out. I was told that Steroids for women help burn fat quick and help with bringing my appetite back. I also suffer from ED and i would like my appetite to get healthy and it is hard for me to work out because of my body hurts from what i put it through. Ive been told Steroids will help with all of my concerns, but my question is will it affect my sobriety date?
Wow! That's a first for me to hear. I have only heard about males taking steroids and have heard mostly negative on that. Pinkchip or some of the others on here may be able to help you with that one in regards to your sobriety.
You didn't ask but I'm going to put in my ....I am enjoying feeling sober without any kind of drugs. I have a healthy appetite now that I am not filling up on the empty calories of alcohol. I suffer from alot of back problems and hate to exercise. However, I wouldn't want to take anything which could cover up the pain and make me think I a capable of doing more than I should and possibly risk pulling a muscle or worse. This is probably when a trip to your family dr. is a good idea.
And congrats on your year and a half of sobriety. It is good you are checking into doing anything to risk that.
I'm just an ole country boy, but I don't think steroids are classified as a narcotic ??? ... ... ... Not sure I'd take them, but as far as a 'sobriety date', I don't think it would have anything to do with that ...
I may be stupid here, but why would you want to increase your appetite AND burn off excess fat with one supplement ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Just for me...if it is mine and mood altering...I won't do it; fact is I don't do anything but sleep aids to keep me down, out, out of the party waking up more clear headed than had I not. Just for me. (((hugs)))
I don't know...Sounds like your motives are good for taking them. I don't believe they are mind altering....Never took them. Have you run this by your sponsor?...Or some of the good oldtimers in your group?....Your doctor maybe? That's a first for me. I just don't see how that could affect your sobriety date. If you got high from them.....That's a different story.....I've never met anyone that took steroids to get high.