I'm a lot better than when I was active in my addiction. But parts of my life still feel beyond my control. I don't mean earthquakes or floods. I mean getting to the dentist, repairing the car, doing the laundry, eating well. There are a lot of things I'm not taking care of the way I think I should.
Part of applying Steps Six and Seven to our lives is to take a look at simple behaviors that are keeping us uncomfortable and unbalanced in our recovery. Though we're not using addictive substances or behaviors, we may still be putting off the dentist, living on fast food, neglecting personal appearance, having no time for home or car maintenance, or letting bills pile up. The problems may seem minor such things as always arriving ten minutes late to work, routinely losing keys or eyeglasses, never finding time for exercise but they point to where we're stuck in our process of recovery. Over time, they pose risks to, rather than support of, our health and serenity.
We don't expect overnight cures, and we don't demand perfection of ourselves. We begin with awareness of what isn't working well for us. Then, each day, we take a small step toward change.
Today, I acknowledge a habit that stands between me and my serenity. I'm willing to take one small step toward changingit.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'