"Despite the happy transcendence of the difficulties of yesterday and of today, we nevertheless deeply realize that our negative traits are still with us, and always will be. Therefore our constant responsibility should be that of taking a fearless inventory of our defects as we go along, the better to undertake their mending."
Oh ya!!!! Love it... My defects helped me survive... But now they just ruin my life. The life that is a gift to take good care of the way a loving god would. It takes courage to let go of these things that were with me for so long... Protecting me but warping me. Baby steps into faith and spiritual awakening works to overcome the fears. Now I take giant leaps and just free fall into gods loving embrace.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Once I began to see my character defects as liabilities rather than assets at Steps Four and Five, I started to want rid of them at Step Six. The inventory helped to change my perception. Step Ten keeps things in true perspective for me each day.