Before recovery I felt stuck in many areas of my life. I was stuck in a job I hated, stuck in unhealthy relationships I didn't know how to get out of, and stuck in an endless cycle of drinking and using. With no tools to help me, my life continued to spin out of control. Once I reached my bottom though, I finally surrendered and my recovery began.
When I started the steps I was introduced to a whole new life. I learned new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, and I also learned new ways to be stuck. Because of my old ideas and my resistance, I soon became stuck on the third step, and it was a long time before I surrendered to God's will. Then I was stuck on the fourth step, and once again it took a while to surrender to the process of an inventory. Oddly, even though the tool of surrender always worked, I usually insisted on being stuck for a while before I would use it.
Today I'm much quicker to recognize when I'm stuck and to do something about it. Today my tolerance for pain is small, and whenever I'm feeling uncomfortable, I immediately ask myself what I'm afraid of or what I'm resisting. As soon as I'm clear on what it is, I surrender and ask for God's will and direction. As always, this restores me to sanity and to the serenity I've come to cherish in my life.
Today I know that when I'm stuck, it just means I'm in between surrenders.
Today's quote was from Wisdom Volume IV.
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Copyright @ 2013 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I've talked to people who say that they completely surrendered to God in one unforgettable moment, and their lives totally changed forever. I had no reason to doubt them, but it just didn't happen that way for me, so I couldn't quite relate to their experience. My surrenders seemed to come in smaller hesitating Step at a time. Oh, just so you know...I'm still surrendering.
Yeah, ... surrendering is like prayer and meditation ... it needs to be done on a daily basis (for me) ... else my 'will' starts to trump God's, and I head for trouble when that happens ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'