Happy Valentine's Day Everybody. This is the "Day of Love", and speaking of love......I am going to really start watching my words I use and try to be sure I word things lovingly . I think my HP, who is God for me, wants me to be loving and caring towards others and I realize that I do quite a bit of cutting up and joking on this board.... I would hate more than anything to say something either jokingly or seriously to or about another member on this board (or anywhere for that matter) which may cause additional pain for that person. (And if I have hope that whoever I offended will PM me so that I can make amends for my actions.) The alcohol has caused enough pain in all our lives as it is. I need to remember that words are powerful and to try to use them wisely and be supportive and caring to other people who, like me, come to this board for support and encouragement. I am grateful to you posters on here and to this board as it has really been an important part of my sobriety.
Good morning BTY! I've never found any of your posts to be unloving or unkind in any way. I'm pretty sure that all of us enjoy everything you have to share with us. I know I do. Joking around is something that friends do together with each other. And, I think we're all friends here. Besides, most alcoholics need a little joking around once in a while. We take ourselves a little too seriously at times. We all enjoy you, just as you are right now, and we love watching you get better and grow each day. We're all trying to grow. So, let's just have fun doing that together. You're a joy to have with us. Blessings, Mike D.