To avoid pain at all costs forces us to reject half the lessons life can teach. --Jan Pishok
If we could remember that every experience we'll ever have is unique and offers us a lesson we will grow from, we'd accept them all with far greater ease. What's there to be afraid of anyway? God is never absent. In fact, God is present during every experience. Remembering this makes us courageous as we walk through the turmoil that interrupts the peaceful times.
Before coming to this program, we feared most of the situations that called to us, and understandably so. We were often trying to do the improbable without the wisdom or the guidance that might have guaranteed success. By taking the Third Step every morning of our lives, as has been suggested, we can positively influence the outcome of every experience we'll have. Hallelujah!
I will not avoid any experience today. I'll simply remember that God is present and that I need to know what calls to me.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Slowly, I am trying to learn this, Pappy. Been hard, but not as hard when I don't fight it so much and accept the bad along with the good things in my life.
Great helpful post and thank you!