In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on. --Robert Frost
Most of us are afraid of anything we can't control. Life is one of these things. During our drinking and drugging days, we had checked out of life. We were sitting on the sidelines, pretending we could get back into it whenever we wanted. But life went on without us. Friends built careers and loving families, and we fell behind. Friends built deeper intimate relationships. They became skillful at living a life of values and communicating with their Higher Power. We fell behind.
Working the Steps requires us to get working. Ours is a program of action. At times we will want to stop and sit on the side of the road again. But we must go on! Go and be of service. Go talk to a friend. Go to an extra meeting. We got sober to have a life, not to sit on the sidelines. We must be recovery in motion, living a program of action.
Prayer for the Day
Place me in the middle of life, Higher Power. Help me be a person of action. When fear says, "Stop!" Please whisper in my ear, "Go on, go on!"
Today's Action
Today I will be active and involved in my program and in life. I will be a doer not a watcher.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'