I know you have been laying awake at night wondering why baby diapers have brand names such as "Luvs", "Huggies," and "Pampers', while
undergarments for old people are called "Depends". Well here is the low down on the whole thing.
When babies crap in their pants, people are still gonna Luv'em, Hug'em and Pamper'em. When old people crap in their pants, it "Depends" on who's in the will!
Glad I got that straightened out so you can rest your mind.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
They're also called, ... ... ... wait ... ... ... wait ... ... ... 'Serenity' ... ... ... LOL (I probably won't be laughing about this in a few years ...!!!)
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Ha! That's too funny! LMDO (laughing my Depends off!)
I don't wear them, so that is a joke, but I'll probably need them before too long as I have sneezing/coughing fits sometimes and "watch out below"......
I had been shopping one time and then went to a meeting where the topic was 'serenity' ... I shared that to my surprize, you could now buy 'Serenity' in the local stores ... of course everyone gave me the 'evil eye' when I said this, LOL ... I said yep, they come in a box of a dozen I think ... (I was working for a 'Nursing Home' at the time too ... had some fun there with that too ...) ... ... ...
Of course I went on to share that "Who needs AA when you can go buy your serenity for $10 ??? ... LOL ... some didn't see the humor ... made me wonder what THEY were wearing, LOL ...) ...
IT'S A JOKE PEOPLE!!! ... lighten-up ... (I have learned to not take everyting so seriously today ...)(well, except my recovery, of course) ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Well, if I had been in that meeting where you shared that, I probably would have had one of those LMAOPIMP moments and would have needed more than one kind of Serenity in my life at that moment because that's funny, honey!
And Pappy, I went for years in such a deep depression and drinking so much, that I couldn't see the humor in hardly anything. Nowadays it is so good to be more like I used to be before the drinking was so much a part of my life and I love to laugh. I think of funny things to say in meetings sometimes but don't because I am afraid of some not seeing the humor so I just sit there and listen. So many of the faces in the meetings are so sad and depressed looking, and I can understand that if it is the newcomers, because it was a good while before I smiled much, I am sure. But so many of the oldtimers look so glum and I feel like going up to them and just tickling them sometimes. I actually had one of them tell me several months ago that I needed to smile. Then I noticed that he hardly ever smiles himself! (And about the tickling...I know better than that of course, because I would probably get decked big time, and then kicked out.)
Hey BTY, ... your share reminded me of this guy at a meeting one time (may have been the meeting before the meeting) where I told this one joke that had everyone rolling on the ground ... he didn't laugh, not even cracking a smile ... later he came up to me and said he apologized ... he was depressed and in a funk and even though that was about the funniest thing he ever heard, he said he just didn't feel like laughing ...
I said no need to apologize ... how's your shoes??? ... he said what??? ... I said what shape are your shoes in??? ... he said what does THAT matter ??? ... I said we've all wore the very same shoes you've got on, they outta be about wore out ... at the he cracked a small grin ... AND ... he came back ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I love the shoe question, Pappy. I am sure he still remembers it, too.
I remember hearing "If you want what we have..." quoted many times in the meetings and I would look around at all the serious/glum faces and think to myself that I wasn't sure if I did want it. That was early on and I am learning as Paul Harvey used to say...."the rest of the story". I guess people take this serious which is a good thing and when a good joke is shared in the room I enjoy it especially if it is on topic and I can relate it back to alcoholism. I have learned to laugh at myself (in a good way) over things now whereas before I would beat myself up for little screw ups, I can let things go and tell myself, it isn't the end of the world and at least I don't have to drink over it. Before I would burst into tears over the littlest things. Probably because the alcohol was controlling my emotions and I wasn't able to think rationally about situations.