I came to understand that it was all right to do things for people as long as I did it for the sake of doing it... the value being more in the act than in the result. --Joanna Field
We've all heard the sentiment that it is better to give than to receive. Yet we may find it difficult to give to others, whether that giving involves an actual gift or an act of giving of ourselves: caring for someone who is ill, running an errand for someone, giving a backrub, or extending an invitation to someone who is alone.
We may feel afraid to do for others without any expectations of receiving something in return. To give unselfishly exposes our feelings and shows we care. Yet if we can look beyond our fears to the selflessness of our giving actions, there is a great reward -- knowing we had the courage to risk giving to someone.
The risks we take in giving to others are lessons for ourselves as well as for those whose lives we touch.
The gift of giving opens doors to the homes of our souls.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
How true that one is Pappy. I have been guilty of giving and expecting something in return. Got my feelings hurt alot because I either didn't receive something as nice as I gave, didn't receive an "appropriate" (in my mind) acknowledgement or didn't receive anything at all.
What a waste of space in my mind. It is far more gratifying to give from the heart and not the ego.