I've been working out of my apartment and drinking about 3 bottles of wine over the course of each day (for 5 years).. I need to get clean for a new job, am I at risk for seizures or will it just suck?
Welcome to MIP tryinghard...I guess my answer to your question would be...Both. I have to recommend talking with a doctor and being totally honest with him/her. I mean there is a safe way and a wrong way to do this...You know? I think with that amount of drinking you might want to give it up whether you get the job or not. Glad you're here....That's a start.
Thanks Stepchild- any doctors out here? A little help? :) Seriously, I watched my fathers blood pressure spike to the point where they put him under to save his life. Scared to go cold turkey.
We aren't doctors here....We're alcoholics that can help you learn how to live without alcohol. As far as cutting it off after what you've been drinking....I'd say that would be highly dangerous. A doctor can help you with that. I detoxed for five days with medical supervision. People die doing that stuff. Is it worth that? Talk with a doctor....Or check yourself into a detox and be safe about it. And these people can't help you if you lie to them about your drinking. Trust me...I've been there.
Good morning tryinghard...good for you that you have realized you have a problem with your drinking and trying to get help for it. Like stepchild said, we aren't doctors.
Three bottles a day is alot and it is dangerous to just stop drinking abruptly. You should be able to locate a doctor in your area by doing a search on the internet. I hope that you post how you are doing because this is a great board and you will find lots of support here. I come here everyday and these good folks have really helped me with my recovery. (((((tryinghard)))))