I think the title I used to do my previous post caused me to remember a dream I had last night....
In my dream there was a baby who needed her diapers changed. I didn't recognize the baby (didn't look like my daughter did when she was a baby) but no one else in the room picked her up to change her, so I did. (Yuck!) Anyway, I wondered why on earth I would have a dream like this and thought maybe the baby was my daughter and I was wanting to take care of her again (does a parent ever really stop wanting to do this???). Then I thought maybe I was the baby in the dream and I am trying to take care of myself now that I am sober and clean up own mess caused by drinking.
Anyway, what a great share from me and on the first of the year!
Actually for what is going on in your life...You are the baby and you are doing the changing....pretty clear...you think? For me dreams are metaphoric and my subconscious feeds me back pictures of what is going on and not so clearly about who its going on about. Baby didn't look like your daugher...baby (new to recovery/AA who is you and needing change) is you being changed by you...not so yucky. (((hugs)))
Wow Jerry, ... great insight here ... this shows me that I have a lot of maturing left to do in the program ... thanks a million for your viewpoint and observation ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
....and maybe that is why the other people in my dream didn't get up to change the "baby", because they couldn't change "me" --only I can do that. Love that insight of yours!
Wow Jerry, ... great insight here ... this shows me that I have a lot of maturing left to do in the program ... thanks a million for your viewpoint and observation ...
X2- Love the insight and love learning from others. Thank you!
....and maybe that is why the other people in my dream didn't get up to change the "baby", because they couldn't change "me" --only I can do that. Love that insight of yours!
when you learn to "dream read" you can almost get the complete picture as clearly as you need it. There still remains "what do I do with this"? because you get to see what is going on and not how its turning out or will turn out. Whats happened for me is that when the dreams stopped change had been made...my conscious and sub-conscious states were in sync. When they both are in sync my head doesn't wake me up before my body is ready and doesn't wake me up in a situation I am powerless over for the moment. Nightmares for me are the pictures with the fear, confusion, doubt and awarenesses of powerlessness (lack of solution...safety, balance, hope, faith and experience). Try dream reading...decypher the metaphors...pictures of similarity using representative of reality. When you learn to dream read you wake up to "Ahas" and I know what that's about. (((hugs)))