The more comfortable we are with the knowledge that each of us has a unique journey to make, a specific purpose to fulfill, the easier it is to let other people live their own lives. When family members are in trouble with alcohol or other drugs, it's terribly difficult to let them have their own journey. Because we love them, we feel compelled to help them get clean and sober. In reality, all we can do is pray for their safety and well-being. Their recovery is up to them and their Higher Power.
For some of us it's a leap of faith to believe there really is a Divine plan of which we are all a part. And perhaps it's not even necessary to believe. But we'll find the hours of every day gentler if we accept that a Higher Power is watching over all of us.
Being able to let others live and learn their own lessons is one of our lessons. The more we master it, the more peaceful we'll be.
I have enough to do just living my life today. I can let others do what they must.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
It has taken me a whole lot of years to learn and put into practice the whole "Live and let live" idea...along with "Let go and let God". It's easy to say as a philosophy, but often difficult to practice when you have someone you love making poor decisions and screwing things up for themselves. In my case, I have a brilliant 21 yr.old son who seems to want to place every roadblock imaginable in his own path. My response as a father is to point out the truth, and point him in the right direction....but then, just let go of what he does....and not get my knickers in a twist when he experiences the consequences of his decisions. I have no control over whether he listens, or not. And, no control over what he chooses to do. Is it hard to stand aside and let him make mistakes he doesn't need to make? Of course...but it keeps me out of the "worry-zone" and lets me live happy and free. Today I know that he belongs to God before he ever belonged to me. I've turned him over to Him. God can do what I can't. Blessings to all, Mike D.
Your response here Mike reminds me of another great story ... it comes from the Good Book, as Dr. Bob called it ... it's the story of the 'Prodigal Son' ... ever read it ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'