Some of you may know (I'm still new here) that I just went through detox over the weekend, and will be attending my first AA meeting tomorrow night. That said, if it weren't for all the wonderful people I've met in the short time I've been here, and the support I've had to this point, I would be almost too scared to go. The love, encouragement, support, advice, and understanding I've had has lifted my spirit to a higher level and has made me understand more than I ever could have on my own.
Aloha Jalen...Support is what we do after learning how to do it and with what. We give away what we received in recovery because that is what worked for us and anything else wouldn't be truthfully supportive. When we give it away to others and watch it work for them as it worked for us we get to keep what we have and come back for more. Our disease isn't curable. We get a daily reprieve only assured and not guaranteed if and when we work for it. The exuberance will carry you a long way...