Oh Boy, ... did this one hit home for me ... I used to get 'down' with all the things (problems) that popped up out of nowhere ... newly sober, they almost consumed me, I allowed them to make me a very negative person ... today, with a few years sober AND living the AA principles, I have come to realize just how positive a person I've turned into ... yeah, I still have a few 'down' times, but I can look back on the way I used to be and really see a difference ... PROGRESS, not perfection ... ... ...
Sometimes in life, things happen too fast. We barely solve one problem when two new problems surface. We're feeling great in the morning, but we're submerged in misery by nightfall.
Every day we face interruptions, delays, changes, and challenges. We face personality conflicts and disappointments. Often when we're feeling overwhelmed, we can't see the lessons in these experiences.
One simple concept can get us through the most stressful of times. It's called gratitude. We learn to say thank you for these problems and feelings. Thank you for the way things are. I don't like this experience, but thank you anyway.
Force gratitude until it becomes habitual. Gratitude helps us stop trying to control outcomes. It is the key that unlocks positive energy in our life. It is the alchemy that turns problems into blessings, and the unexpected into gifts.
Today, I will be grateful. I will start the process of turning today's pain into tomorrow's joy.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Wow! That is profound and I really needed to read this today! Yesterday was a little gritty and I found myself dwelling on the "We face personality conflicts and disappointments" posted above. This posting has made me realize that despite my negative feelings about this situation, I should feel gratitude for it anyway and not try to control it and turn it over to my HP and know He is the one who is steering the wheel in my life.