Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. --Madeline Bridges
Sometimes we feel lazy or bored, and then we don't do our best work. Perhaps we are daydreaming instead of listening closely to what a friend is trying to tell us. When we are not really paying attention to our activities or the people around us, we'll likely miss out on something important because we do receive in equal measure what we give. And this truth works in every aspect of our lives.
When we treat our friends, our families, even people we don't know well with kindness, we'll experience kindness in return. Our own actions and attitudes toward others are what we can expect from others as well.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
One of my flaws is that I sometimes I will "zone out" when someone is talking. I am trying to be a better listener, not just with my eyes and head nods, but with my ears as well. Thanks for posting this, Pappy. Hopefully, this will come into mind if I start that zoning thing again.
Ya know, BTY, I had the very same problem ... well, I still do to some extent, but I've learned to not 'butt in' like I used to and just listen ... even when the subject is of no interest to me ... you know, it's really hard to do that, but with practice, it can be achieved ... and I'm learning there are a lot of little things that are important to the person speaking and to show interest can mean the world to them, it makes them feel someone truly 'cares' ... it's really rather amazing I've found out ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'