We can enrich our interior monologue. We can seek the company of people who inspire us with a loving approach to life. We can absorb the written thoughts of writers who encourage our positive emotions. We can decide to be cheerful and optimistic, just for today.
Whom would you rather be around - someone who chronically complains and talks about what a mess everything is, or someone who finds joy and delight in watching the antics of two squirrels in a tree? You are your constant companion. Your own company can be a pleasure or a drag, depending on the thoughts and feelings you permit to linger in your consciousness.
We take Steps Four and Five in order to sort out our thoughts, getting rid of those that depress our spirit. In Step Ten, we continue a daily mental housecleaning so that residues of resentment and discouragement are not allowed to accumulate. Then we go on to Step Eleven for an infusion of the kind of thinking that nurtures the person we want to become.
Today, I will exercise my freedom of thought.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
You're right about that Joe ... they both also love 'sunflower' seeds ... ... ... I've watched the chipmunks fight over the seeds AND pack their cheek pouches so full it look like they were too heavy to carry their heads up off the ground, LOL ... they can certainly be amusing AND I've seen 'greed' among them too ... Unfortunately, I saw one chipmunk actually kill another ... go figure, it happened so fast, it was over before I knew what was going on ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hey Pythonpappy, THAT is an extraordinary thought for today, and every day!!! That's "a keeper"! I'm putting that one in my "thought-bank" for safe keeping and sharing with others. That is why we have an A.A. Fellowship!!! Thank you sooo very much! Blessings to you, Mike D.
I agree Mike, ... this was actually a 'life changing' revelation for me in time past ... as in the 'Doctor's Opinion', we must experience an 'entire psychic change' to realize even the most 'basic' recovery ... it's a beginning!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'