I certainly wouldn't expect anyone else to find this to be their truth as well; in fact, I'd be quite surprised if anyone did. There has been conversation recently, not for the first time I'm sure, about why 'God' allows bad things to happen to good people. Pappy had explained his view within the thread and I thought, as AA's are encouraged to have a God of their understanding, each of ours would be different and it might be interesting to share our views.
Personally, I ascribe to a divided self. There is the ego, the subconscious and the super-consciousness. It is my belief that the super-consciousness is not just part of me however, but that at the super-conscious level we, including all creatures with a consciousness, are connected. I have found it useful to describe what I am referring to in Native American terms: Like clouds in the sky, each is an individual. But when the winds bring the clouds together they lose their individuality and become a great cloud. Similarly, when individual spirits come together, they become the Great Spirit.
When my ego, my subconscious and my super-consciousness come together and work as one then for that moment, since all super-consciousness is one, then I have a moment where I am one with everything too. I do believe that everything happens for a reason and for the greatest good of all creatures with consciousness. Since I spend the vast majority of my time within this fragile shell of ego, it is rare that I can ever see the big picture but I believe in it unequivocally.
I don't consider Angel, who is ego, is that important in the grand scheme of things. It is a part that I am playing. I believe that we get wrapped up in our parts and forget that we are spirit. Consciousness will continue for me after death, Angel will not. Like Tobey McGuire playing the part of Red in SeaBiscuit, he may have gotten into his role and forgot for a moment that he was Tobey McGuire. When the movie was over though, and he moved on to play Spiderman, there was nothing left of the character Red just Spiderman and his alter-ego Peter Parker. Ultimately though, that movie ends too and he is back to the only thing that doesn't change Tobey McGuire.
Tobey McGuire isn't concerned that Red broke his leg prior to the big race because it is an illusion, Tobey is fine it is just the character who's leg is broken. Likewise, Tobey isn't concerned when the villain in Spiderman is after him because he knows that no harm can come to his true essence his Tobey McGuire-ness. It is illusion. Can we learn things from a movie? Certainly. Does Tobey McGuire, or any actor, refuse roles because their character is evil, or will get hurt, or die. No. In fact, many actors take roles simply because they are challenging and difficult to play. Likewise, I chose the part of Angel or it was chosen for me, it makes no difference...it's not me. I am so much more than Angel; I am a child of the universe, or creation, or God if you will.
I suppose it all depends on your concept of a Higher Power. Personally, I don't believe that everything happens for a 'reason'. I see it this way:
"God's Will" is something that exists in people's actions when they are doing the right thing.
Bad things that happen are either 1) People's actions when they choose to act out of self will instead of seeking God's will, or 2) it can be just the random crap that happens, like being hit by lightning or getting a brain tumor. Stuff that has nothing to do with anyone's actions. Shit happens, as we say.
The Eleventh Step seems to confirm this for me, telling me that I ought to be praying for knowledge of God's will for me and the power to carry it out, clearly showing that God's will is something I ought to be DOING, it's not the random stuff that just happens to me.
So yes, bad things happen to good people, and there's no reason for me to try to find some 'reason' for it, or to wonder 'why God did that'. That kind of thinking can only distract me from doing what I ought to be doing - seeking knowledge of Gods will for me (and my actions) and seeking the strength to do what I ought to do.
I was just thinking lately that the board seems dead - and then you come along - and poof - recovery comes from every direction and you proceed to melt off your face, but hey - the good news is - things are swingin again! I just don't believe in coincidences anymore. I shant.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
You're adorable Tasha, ... and I love your post ... and I absolutely think your view of the board lately was spot on ...
The question of 'why' bad things happen to good people is beyond our ability to understand ... I could explain to you the physics involved in MRI imaging when you get a scan, but there aren't many of you here that will comprehend, or understand it ... this then goes back to what we in the program call 'acceptance' ... we accept that an MRI scan will reveal an amazing diagnostic image that the doctor can read and interpret for us, and I'm here to tell ya, even most doctors, with the exception of some radiologists, don't even understand how the darn machine does it ...
So, why would I spend a great deal of time trying to 'understand' something that for me, is next to, if not, impossible ... Dave said it best I think, 'Shit Happens', and there ain't a damn thing we can do about it except learn how to deal with it ... which AA has done a great job of teaching me how ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I suppose it all depends on your concept of a Higher Power. Personally, I don't believe that everything happens for a 'reason'. I see it this way:
"God's Will" is something that exists in people's actions when they are doing the right thing.
Bad things that happen are either 1) People's actions when they choose to act out of self will instead of seeking God's will, or 2) it can be just the random crap that happens, like being hit by lightning or getting a brain tumor. Stuff that has nothing to do with anyone's actions. Shit happens, as we say.
The Eleventh Step seems to confirm this for me, telling me that I ought to be praying for knowledge of God's will for me and the power to carry it out, clearly showing that God's will is something I ought to be DOING, it's not the random stuff that just happens to me.
So yes, bad things happen to good people, and there's no reason for me to try to find some 'reason' for it, or to wonder 'why God did that'. That kind of thinking can only distract me from doing what I ought to be doing - seeking knowledge of Gods will for me (and my actions) and seeking the strength to do what I ought to do.
This describes my own experience better than I could myself. Thanks Dave.
Angell, I like you and I enjoy reading your posts. You're an exceptional writer and communicate your thoughts in a very unique way. It's a shame that you're a bat-shit religious kookoo because I think it would be very interesting to get to know you otherwise.
This really made me laugh out loud - in a good way and I thank you for it. I am a dyed in the wool atheist. For what it's worth, I like you too - you wear your feelings on your sleeve, are passionate and compassionate.
My experience is bad things happen to good people because if we didn't have "BAD", there would be no "GOOD". Often times I have looked at something as "bad" initially, but after the experience it was something that was for the "good". Hmmmmm... Anyone have this experience?
Willingness without action is fantasy!
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
Often times I have looked at something as "bad" initially, but after the experience it was something that was for the "good". Hmmmmm... Anyone have this experience?
*nods* This is what I was alluding to when I said, "I do believe that everything happens for a reason and for the greatest good of all creatures with consciousness. Since I spend the vast majority of my time within this fragile shell of ego, it is rare that I can ever see the big picture but I believe in it unequivocally." In other words, often it appears bad but if I could see the big picture, I would see the overwhelming good.