"God has only three answers to your prayers: Yes Yes, but not now No, because I have something better for you."
While the 11th step teaches us to pray only for the knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out, there will invariably be times when we are sure we know what's best and will pray for a desired result or circumstance.
This is the moment that self will has crept back in. Having momentarily forgotten that we had rarely been truly happy when we got what WE wanted, what we need is a way to get back to the wisdom of the 11th step. And this quote provides that.
By keeping these three answers in mind, we're able to release expectations from our prayers and truly surrender ourselves to God's will. Through surrender we find faith and faith leads us to the sure knowledge that God's will for us is always better than our own.
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Copyright @ 2013 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'