This gal gets a sad phone call at work and after a time of crying goes into her bosses office and asks, "Can I have a grief day off next Wednesday"? Her boss replies, "Of course you there something we can support you with". She takes a deep breath and replies, "Everyone here knows of my past; that my exhusband drank too much and abused alcohol every day". Her boss nodded in affirmation expecting the rest. "I just got news that he died in overdose and that the funeral is next Wednesday and want to pay respects". "Wednesday it is then", her boss replied "our deepest condolences". When that Wednesday arrived she was missing as was expected and then same on Thursday and Friday as not expected." The following Monday she arrived on time and was at work as expected and then called into the office for an explanation. "That was quiet unexpected for you as you are a most valued employee. I am sure you have a satisfactory explanation. It did affect our operation". Remorsely the woman related what had interrupted her promise. "See Frank drank daily and what I didn't know was in the last years he had switched from his favorite beer to hard liquor. His drinking I have come to understand took on horrendous proportions and that prior to his death by it he had deep periods of loss of memory and sanity". Her boss mentioned his understanding still wanting to know what you delay his employee an additional two more days. She explained. "Frank was drinking up to three fifths of 75 proof Tequila daily and he did that up till the moment of his death. At the reading of his will his family came to notice that he no longer wanted a grave burial as wished long before and that he now wanted cremation". "My dear" her boss broken in, "it is known that cremation more affordable and less timely, please explain". "Well Sir, they did put his body to the flame on Wednesday as expected and I with the family stood in wait until the final cell was burnt yet he was soooo saturated with alcohol that it took 3 days for the flames to die out". ....not real...just a joke.
Good joke jerry....but brings back an awful memory for me
I used to be involved in asbestos revory and hazards management
I wss called to a workplace where there wss suspected asbestos contamination and one guy ended up covrred in pink powder.
I knew from records that this pink powder had previously been tested and wss proven to be non asbestos fire stopping
Howevrr, , just incase I arranged for it to be tested.
The guy covered in pink powder ssked if he should lodge an entry in the contamination register. I said well you been living on borroeed time anywsy but you might as well.
His buddy said why if it's not asbestos? What's the benefits?
Well said I, at least they'll know to turn the gas to max when they cremate him.
What I didn't know was he cremated his mum a couple weeks before
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Bill sometimes what we say and do is inopportune rather than inappropriate...I know too well the experience of in opportune. Didn't know and didn't know that I didn't know. Had I known I might a said something different. The joke came out of the program and I'm sure most of the people laughing knew what an alcohol fire was and looked like. In early recovery I was too raw and emotionally affected to laugh. I usually reacted from pain and self centeredness...Sponsorship taught me different perspectives of looking at things including the view thru humor and relief.