The most important thing I've learned...If I let go of my old ideas...Open my mind...And follow the clear cut directions in the first 103 pages of the Big Book....This works....It really does. As promised. I also learned I don't have to do this alone...Thank You God...Thank you AA...And thank you good people here.
That's the program in a nutshell. You can't say it better than that. Congratulations on two years!
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Congratulations Stepchild,
Two years sober is a great accomplishment, take this into your heart and cherish it for more than just a fleeting moment!!
We do it together and we are all Miracles in Progress......thanks for the fellowship!!
I thank you all...I've learned a lot here. That's what it's all about. These steps are a God Given Gift. I'm grateful I had the willingness to open it. They are truly amazing. How I am I doing? I'm safe, sane and sober...And still teachable.