Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. --Lewis Carroll
We must make many choices in our recovery. Some of these will strengthen our character, for they will be hard to make and sometimes even harder to accept. One of the most meaningful sayings in our program is Let go and let God. We understand its true meaning when we are faced with adversity and we feel needlessly hurt.
If we are to let go of a problem, we must feel in our hearts that no matter what the outcome, our Higher Power has a special purpose for us. We may not be able to see that purpose now, but if we let our Higher Power guide us, we will be guided down the right path. If we do our best to detach from our pain and try to see a more peaceful future, we will feel secure in God's hands. Given this security, we'll be free to direct our energy toward positive, healthy choices that will bring us more of the happiness we deserve.
Today help me let go and let God, even when it hurts.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
This is an area in my recovery I had to learn how to do ... ... ... in my experience, the AA steps are the perfect tool to lay before you, the issues in your life to work on and to let go of ... and once we progress to the point of putting 'everything on the table, then using the 'Serenity Prayer' was of immense importance ...
In working the program, I found that I was 'holding on' to things that were holding me back from maturing into the person I wished to be ... once identified, I learned to turn these issues over to God and move forward to other things ... wow, what a relief it has brought to me in having faith that these things WILL work out just as they are supposed to ... I realized I was spending a great deal of time and effort on things I was never going to be able to change anyway ...
This approach freed me up to concentrate my life on other things, more positive things ... my attitude changed ... I found worrying about things I couldn't control just made me sicker ... so I don't do that anymore ...
Say the 'Serenity Prayer' with conviction and from the heart ... and 'LET IT GO!!!' ...
Given this security, we'll be free to direct our energy toward positive, healthy choices that will bring us more of the happiness we desire.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'