After many applications and searching for part time employment, finally got a call from OFFICE DEPOT to come in for online assessment 2nd stage of interview.Excited because haven;t worked since retired last april from a job I held for 34 years, before we moved to Florida and its time to renew some stimulation and $$$ into my life. After over 50 years of employment and coming to a dead stop,I find myself antsy and needing to find some daily stimulation although playing in the band and being a housekeeper has its benefits I have a ton of energy and we could use the $$$ because my wife is now full time caretaker for her dad(wheelchair bound and debilitated )and her moms dementia getting worse by the day. Her plans of employment definitely sidetracked. So im excited, not that retail is my forte ,but I can make anything work and its time.I finish the application online at the store and get back home,,,theres an email from OFFICE DEPO says ...prior to your resume review the application pool was closed,,you know don't call us we'll call you....So as WE are aware ,we can't always control the situation but we can control how we accept the outcomes.So its back to the drawing board.I believe God has other plans for me and I will continue to seek God's will(with some daily work of my own) and see what comes around.Funny I was concerned that I would get too many Sunday HOURS(our family day of worship and fellowship)and now that's not an issue:) ,,,,,Along time ago situations like this would cause severe manic/depression and aggravation,now I am able to accept the things I cannot change,,,,and change the things I can.....Not too shabby for this old hardhead..In recovery,lost dreams absolutely do awaken and new possibilities will arise...Just For Today,I am free of active addiction,in God's grace to the best of my ability and look forward to whats next!!!!!Have a blessed and productive day,for this is the day WE have......
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
Thanks for sharing this Mike. My work situation also changed dramatically a few weeks ago. I thought that fear of people and economic insecurity had left me, but apparently not. Last night I was meditating on the serenity prayer and, just the 1st part: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change." I realised that I had to request from God "serenity" and when I examined it carefully, for me it was "peace of mind." The "peace that passeth all understanding" and especially my understanding. And that is what I have been praying for. My circumstances will not dictate my peace of mind and for that I have to petition God through unceasing prayer.
I found that once my serenity is restored through prayer and meditation, I can ask of God anything according to His will and it is granted.