Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other. --Rainer Maria Rilke
For a relationship to be healthy and fulfilling, each of us must respect the other. "Two solitudes" is exactly what we are, and we will never be one, no matter how close we become. It may feel like that at times, but we always remain separate persons with our own thoughts, feelings, dreams, and interests.
When we love one another, we allow each other to be who we are, to have our own lives, for it is out of those separate lives that we bring strength and energy and life into our relationships.
We are meant to honor the differences between us. Often these differences lead to squabbles, but when we recognize that each of us is necessary to the union we have created, we create a better one, far superior to the sum of its parts.
I might have to challenge this one with regards to marriage ... ... ... or at least look at it in a different light!
Marriage is considered by many, a Holy union of two people ... a 'lifelong' commitment to one another ... where the two 'become as one' ... making all decisions together after discussing all possible results of any decision made ... being respectful and considerate of each others ideals ... this is the only instance where two people are to become as 'one flesh' ... our union should be so close that we know and respect each others' desires and distastes ... and everything we do should be done in the name of 'love' for one another ...
Working the AA program has taught me that this is not only possible, but the preferred way of life ... a life of 'love', for better or for worse, til death ...
I see it as the same kind of love we have for our children ... the kind where we love them no matter what ... we can forgive them, no matter what ... It is the same kind of 'love' I have found that my Father above has for me, as one of His/Her children ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'