I just wanted to check in because I have had a pretty intense and stressful week and was more tempted to drink yesterday than I have in the past 103 days. I woke up this morning feeling great and celebrated by exercising and drinking one of my famous spinach and spirulina shakes :) (And then Apple Cider Vinegar - I'm glad I'm not the only one!) I didn't actually come close to taking a drink, but it was the first day in a very long time that the sh*tty voice in my head started with the same old lies that used to push me into taking just "the one" drink that would inevitably lead to blacking out and waking up feeling awful. I think it was also the weather, which to me now "feels" like hoppy beer weather. Ugh. I'm heading to a meeting this morning, which will be good. I'm also getting an old typewriter of mine fixed today because I find that when I'm feeling nervous or stressed out I find the best thing for me to do is write and write and write with as few distractions as possible. Anyway, I'm feeling much better today than I did yesterday for a variety of reasons, but like I said... wanted to check in. One good tool I did at the beginning of this was write down every time I could remember taking "just one" drink, which led to something horrible. It was good for me to re-read that a couple of times. Off to the meeting!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Your post helps strengthen my resolve to not take that first drink ... this past week has been unusually tough on me too ... and for me, I don't think the Spirulina nor the vinegar will help ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Sounds like you're doing the right things...Keep at it. Stepwork...Meetings....Service....That will keep you out of trouble!....Congrats on your sober time!!