"If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy."
Gratitude lists have been an important tool in my spiritual tool kit for a long time. Whenever I feel the old self-pity creep back in, I get out a piece of paper, number it from one to fifty, and start making a list of all the things I'm grateful for. While this always makes me feel better, there have been times when I've wished I had a newer car, or a bigger house, etc.. That is why today's quote means so much to me.
No matter how much money, property or prestige I have, there will always be those out there with more. What I am reminded of today is that real riches come from within, and that what gives me the feelings of peace and comfort I seek outside of myself comes from the things money can't buy.
Today I've learned to keep material things to a minimum on my gratitude list. The true riches in my life today start with the gifts of my recovery - the meaningful relationships I have, my connection with my Higher Power, and a true appreciation for all the opportunities I have to be useful to other people. This kind of gratitude list is endless and, when I finish it, I feel alive and vital.
Today, the real riches in my life come from counting and appreciating the things I have that money can't buy.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'