Ooooeeew, blackouts ... ... ... you'd think I'd have scared myself sober with the ones I had ... one of my worst ones was when I got on the wrong interstate highway and drove across Nebraska ... when I came 'to', it scared me to death to find out I was in the wrong state and a couple hundred miles from where I should have been ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
oh yeah. And the unique mash-up look of disgust, disbelief and pity as the question is put. And the feelings of horror, fear, self-loathing as you try and remember.
It's really scary when you realize the next morning that you drove to the liquor store in a blackout and have no memory, or as I had recently, my husband told me we needed to separate and I had no recollection at all. Yikes!
YES. The worst was trying to subtly get information from people about 'what happened last night' without letting on that you don't remember a damn thing. I blackout drank from the age of 15. I am SO SO grateful I don't have the risk of blacking out these days! I like remembering.