She's broke down, and broken spiritually. She has called me drunk for the past few days, and finally last night she said she wants to check into treatment. I told her I would give her a ride since she has no money, no car, and no friends or family in 700 miles.
I was suppose to get my home tested to see if the power lines will give my kids cancer or not.
I'll have to reschedule. I plan to see just where I could go if I do not keep in fit spiritual condition this morning. I am eligible for the shelter she lives in... broke, and broken hearted. I am so thankful that today I am not there. For those of you reading this who are... I will keep you in my prayers.
Love, Tasha
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Bless you and keep you safe,I would have suggested bringing another recovering individual with you as always a good idea in a 12th step call, but go with grace. The fellowship in action...Let us know how it goes...In support and prayer...
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
My prayers are with her, and all that are still suffering. It's great that you're now in a position to help her in this way:) p.s.- I live in the city, and am surrounded by power lines- since I've always lived in urban areas I never have given it any thought. Now you've got me wondering haha
My prayers are with you and your sponsee ... Your sponsee is so fortunate to have a concerned friend such as yourself ... sounds like you are all she has and for that, I am grateful that God has seen fit to send her to you ...
Thank you for your service Tasha
As always, Love you and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'