It has been a trying week so far but that's life. My pen-pal in the UK wrote and told me one day that he wasn't feeling well and I haven't heard from him since. Then today (yesterday now) my daughter had to be taken to the hospital and we're still not sure what's wrong. I breathe in and I breathe out and I don't drink, no matter what. It's just the early morning hours when I can't sleep and there is nobody to talk to that I get wound up. Please say a little prayer for us all...even the dog is having anxiety attacks! Thank you!
Sorry to hear that. Try and get out of the house and get close to nature. Although some people close to you are having a trying time right now, You are able to enjoy this life one day for what it's worth, a miracle. Choose to be happy today and trust your higher power to take care of others. It's going to be ok. Take care of yourself.
prayers yer way, robin. 2things that come to mind to me readin this: it doesnt matter what time of day it is, ya always got someone to talk to: God as you understand him!!! worrying about something that may never happen is like paying interest on money you may never borrow.
You will be in my prayers also ... ... ... and don't forget! ... IF you PRAY, you have nothing to worry about ... If you WORRY, there's no reason to pray ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
A spot of anxiety in the early hours is not uncommon, it happens to me from time to time. One reason Is that we are physically at our lowest ebb at this time during the 24 hour cycle, which is why military types like to attack at that time. So rest easy, it's normal and it will pass.
Thank you all for your prayers. She will likely be in hospital for a couple of days and they are running tests. Whatever the outcome, we will walk through it together...and hopefully sleep better tonight! Poor puppy needs an anxiety pill though! How do you explain God to Dog? lol
Just a quick update...finally home again after a simple fix to my daughters problem. Max is happy again and I think we have all caught up on our sleep!