He is from one of the recovery programs in town and a recovery house and a group of younger guys encapsulated by the elders of the program and he's a regular at AA by the Bay...Saturday and Sunday versions. This morning he was the teacher. A couple of weeks ago he stepped forward and received his 1 year chip...the bronze one just like the older guys and he got the applause from the group and the hug from the chip lady and stayed for the rest of the meeting. Young guy...not very far from the bottle and the drug and then this morning the teacher.
He approached the table at the start of the meeting and gave his chip back. He owned the room and everyone in it cause we all know what that means and he said it out loud. "I don't own that and don't deserve it...I slipped during the journey and I need to own one honestly". Truthfully I suspect for the age I was when I first arrived at the doors of recovery holding on to the hem of my HP's robe...had that been me I would have rather died than face the courage of it all. I believe there was nothing else emotional or spiritual left to me when I got to the doors at the age of 37. I don't know...maybe if I would have me a younger man like the one I watched this morning I would have had the example to follow and then I don't know and right...it doesn't matter today and the next indicated thing was to thank him for his example and to welcome his future visits.
He owned the room especially the oldtimers...this is how it's done. Thank you God. (((hugs)))
For those who are working the program that does indeed ring true...what I didn't mention was that before the meeting started while I was setting out the coffee another newcomer (never had seen her before) was sitting on the bench behind me. She had found herself at the Sunday morning version of AA by the Bay and was just pleased as punch and social as all get out. The punch of course was spiked and when she missed with a "high five" and ended up in a welcoming hug with me I could tell only parts of her were there and the parts that were probably didn't know it. She almost took me down with her as she hung on for balance and I had to mention that she didn't want to fall and pull all 215 pounds of me down with her. The meeting started and we had no comment from literature and I looked around for our literature service person and she was doing service...did a full one on one face to face meeting with the newbie. God I feel hopeful for her now and even more so since our literature secretary also works a local rehab.
When anyone anywhere reaches out for help; I want the hand of AA to always be there and for that...we are responsible.
Ahhh....Thank you....there is HOPE for your kid!!!! There are new people in one of my clubs, that are smoking weed, and taking their 1st and 2nd year A.A. chips....They admit it to others that they smoke pot (not to me)...but......ooooo!!!!....HELP! Love, Lady Eli