I've shut the door on yesterday, And thrown the key away. Tomorrow holds no fears for me, Since I have found today. -- Vivian Yeiser Laramore
Feeling guilty or ashamed about the past - about what we did or did not do, about what happened to us, about who we were - can be our undoing. We must work long and hard in our recovery to work through these feelings, not to forget the past - for it informs all that we value in ourselves today - but to put the past into perspective.
After we've taken an inventory and grieved our losses we must forgive ourselves. In forgiving ourselves we can let go of the past and live in today.
With our program of recovery, looking back is not as frightening as it once was. And today we do not have to bear what we find alone.
A new year, a new life, can be ours. Love and friendship, support and spiritual growth are waiting for us today. Our yesterdays are over, and we can look to the future with joy and anticipation.
Today help me forgive myself for what's past and learn to have faith in Your plan for me.
This is a wonderful thought for today and for any day. I am curious to hear from other members when we find a profound thought like this, do you remember it? I think to myself, wow, this is really good.....how can I remember this? Then, it seems, life takes over and I forget it.
Also, in many of these daily thought formats, there is often a quote at the top which sets the frame for the thought. Oftentimes, that quotation is from some famous person that I have never heard of. I wish there could be one or two sentences after the person's name telling who they were, what their life was like.
In this instance, I did a google search for Vivian Yeiser Laramore and found out that not only was she the poet laureate of Florida, but, she also had a very interesting life as well. Learning about her, makes this thought today even more richer and valuable. I would encourage others to google her as well and learn a little about her.
There are thousands of 'quotes for the day' out there ... and I used to highlite the good ones for me or 'dog-ear' or save them to file in the past, but there are just so many ... so today I go daily to two or three sources for inspiration and try to let the good ones 'sink in' for a bit ... (I used to read 12 or 13 meditation books daily in early recovery, only to find out that I was getting 'burned out' on them ... )
Today, I realize from this having been a habit for so long, that most of what I read does indeed stick with me (the 2 or 3 a day) ... I think it's due, in part, from the 'attitude and outlook on life' that's changed in me from being a part of the AA fellowship ... I am much more receptive to the daily quotes and advice ... in a sense, I keep getting closer to living these 'ideas and thoughts' in my life so much so that they are becoming my life ...
Did that make any sense to anyone ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Yes, agreed Pappy - each one speaks to me each day in it's own way - especially this one: Today's Gift from Hazelden. I love that I can rely on you to post this, and I am starting to enjoy the courage to change and hope for today books as well in my new adult child of alcoholic endeavor. Went to my first meeting yesterday. It was as if I was waiting my whole life to get there.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.