I've made it to day 30! I have hit 30 days before, but the difference this time is that I am going to meetings. Lots of meetings. I've told those very close to me that I'm not drinking anymore. I'm reading The Big Book, and Living Sober. I also have a lot of work to do still. I know that I need to reach out, phone people, find a sponsor, and put myself out there more. The two things that freak me out the most are asking for help and being vulnerable. But, I know that's part of the program. Thanks all for listening, for being so generous with sharing your experiences, and continuing to be a part of my ride.
-- Edited by RubyTues on Monday 24th of December 2012 12:39:00 PM
Congrats Ruby, I'm right there with you, on day 37...or as I like to refer to it..an eternity!
Asking for help was a huge step for me too, but the thing that amazed me was that when I finally did ask, it was more than freely given to me! The people I've met who are really living this program are so genuinely excited to help with whatever you need, but its up to YOU to ask for it. You're already going to meetings, that's a good start. For me, I didn't know what to ask, or how to ask so I spent some time with people I was comfortable with, got more comfortable with them and finally I flat out said "I need help" - and after I said it out loud, I realized how easy it was! Good luck to you Ruby and congrats again!!
You reminded me BR that when I am asked to hand out chips at the meeting, I have a little saying, and who deserves a 30 day chip for staying sober for thirty consecutive days and a thousand nights ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Awesome Ruby T and Broken R...way to go and the best way to gift yourselves on christmas or any other day for that matter. For me it is an oxymoron using "asking for help" and "being vunerable" and "sober" all in the same sentence. I was also weirded out and then I came to understand that if I didn't do it the chance were very good that I'd die crazy. Didn't happen...so when you need that extra shove and hand up the ladder and you're alone at home...turn on the CPU and let us in. ((((hugs))))