Today's reading ,for me,ever so pertinent(as usual).
Last night about 2:00 a.m. I received my 4th "thanks but no thanks" reply from LOWE'S job application department. I am truly blessed to be receiving Social Security but as our plans have been altered since moving to Florida,with my wife now in total care of her dad(wheelchair bound and losing his physical facilities and her mom(severe dementia and deteriorating rapidly)she has become the full time CNA for the family.I have shared about this before and no matter what we believe we are right where God wants us to be so I have been applying for part-time work after leaving my job of 34 years (my wife also) up North and moving here to be with family.Storing up my chestnuts for the rainy days was not one of my best attributes(25 years active addiction,chronic gambler and all the other prizes that come with that life)so we have some fallback but as we all are aware the well does run dry .I was under the delusion that I always worked ,even during the STORM years and figured I could always find a job and the "rejections' are not something im used to after spending almost 3 decades in recovery,although that was at the same job.Through the grace and mercy of God(of my understanding) and a strong practice of our spiritual principles instilled in my life instead of depression and "oh poor me" syndrome surrounding me I was awakened this morning feeling evem more directed and excited to move forward because I know God has a plan for me.Hey did I really want to work at KMART ,doin blue light specials,Radio Shack selling batteries,Home Depot collecting carriages,Lowe's in the shipping and receiving department anyway at 65 years young???I know,based on the evidence there is a plan for me and I will continue to put in my chips,wait on God and live Just For Today,being excited to feel the prescence of that Power in my life and the subtle voice saying relax its gonna be fine and just as a reminder i'll put it on MIP so you can read it(you know hardhead!!!)Have a blessed and productive day and for me another day of knowing 'following the tools of our program(check out the Grapevine writings,coincidence for me me thinks not)that 'With God all things are possible,im off to the internet(thats how you have to apply here in Florida)and keep sendin in my resume,,,Now let me see Olympic diver wanted,,nahh....Race Car driver,hmmmm how bout Lizard remover!!!! More will definitely be revealed and in recovery I will be receptive a true gift from that Power greater than this ole hardhead.....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Yes, I too love this particular daily email that I signed up for ... of all the daily meditations and quotes and such that are available, this one ('Today's Gift') seems to particularly give me the encouragement I need at the right time ... and so I am compelled to pass them along ...
I was also 25 years in active addiction to alcohol ... I was 55 when I had my last drink and I am 60 now ... I didn't store any 'chestnuts' up either and the one's my wife held onto are now going to support our quadriplegic son ... but we are still very blessed, we have everything we need today and that's all that matters ... God has seen fit to provide us with everything we truly need, and for that, I am grateful ... I have learned in the program that being happy with what you have is an attitude that develops over time ... Usually one wishes to get involved more with 'giving' than 'getting' if they practice the principles of AA ...
My wife and I have both lost our parents, but went through similar difficulties as you described ... our main concerns now are our two kids, both of whom aren't given an expected lifespan by the doctors that exceed ours ... my wife worries who will take care of us in our 'old age' ... and I always reply, that's God's department and not something that 'worrying' will do any good for ... today we have what we need, and that's good enough for me ...
Love ya brother and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
When I recently went back to work, I used Craigslist. I posted all my skills in the appropriate departments, and scoured the jobs list every day. Anything respectable I was willing to do for money, I posted out there for the world to see. It didn't take long to get a few more piano students, a couple of cleaning jobs, a few "elderly helper/companion jobs" (cooking, shopping, rides, yard work, moving stuff, painting) etc., and because I was basically independently contracted for everything, I was able to set my own rates, hours & be my own boss. That means I get to be very fair and I don't have to do things against my own integrity. I get to do a really great job because I'm not being pushed to get a certain quantity of anything done by some guy in an office who's never done the job and doesn't care about the quality, just his quota.
Most everything I do averages about 20 dollars per hour, and I can set my schedule around my kids so I can be with them as much as our family desire's for that. I try to do about 4 hours worth of jobs each day, and that's an excellent income supplement for us as middle class Americans trying to save a little for the kiddo's college fund.
So if you have some handyman skills, or anything else, I would suggest you check into this free and excellent resource for part time jobs:
Job postings: Post your skills: (on this link, you will need to click on the upper right hand corner where it says 'POST' and create an account. Then you can make your ad. If you're not familiar with how to do it exactly, just email me and I will do it for you or walk you through it over the phone. I have done this many many times for other friends in AA. Or, you can google "how do I post my skills on craigslist" and you'll get directions.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Well, I posted on here before about how rough work has been. I have been looking quite hard for a new job. I returned to work after a week off to care for my mom only to find out about all kinds of shenanigans that occurred while I was away. Some were upsetting, some irritating, others almost comical. Instead of getting myself all wound up I stayed patient and tried to take things in stride. If they don't want me at this job anymore what can I do? I can only do what's in my control and that isn't always much. So, I was really happy about staying where my feet were, called my sponsor as a preventative measure to keep my head on straight and then (drum roll please) I got a call about a county job I really want. I have an onterview set for tomorrow. Thank you to my higher power for helping guide me today to do his will. This job may or may not work out, but only he knows which path I am to lead right now. As long as I stay on the path of sobriety and do the next right thing, his amazing plan for me will be revealed.
Hey Mike, I was thinking about your wife being a caregiver to both her parents. Have you checked into any programs that may pay her? If her parents qualify, there may be services that will pay her for all her hard work, even as a family member. If you haven't checked, try the local Senior Information and Assistance office, you can find it on a goggle search. They can tell you if there are programs in FL, and what the qualifications are. In WA state, there are a couple of programs that allow for family members to be paid home care providers. It helps keep folks at home rather than nursing homes or institutions. God Bless your wife for her loving care towards her parents. You too. You can PM me if you have any questions or need any help getting pointed in the right direction. Peace
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
"If you keep and open mind you will find help"...first recovery promise and miracle which has come true for me over and over...If I can do it you can also...use the above attitude. I've got you by 5 years and maybe a bit more however the attitude goes a long way. Last place I applied at 69 years of age smiled and told me I was way over qualified (I didn't need a title I needed enough to make the house payment) and so I told them "Then you'll might have to make the decision to hire someone over qualified and then move on". A couple of months later the guy who retired from the position cried his way back into it and now we both have something to do for a living. HP works is humorous ways at times. Yeah they still think I'm over qualified and ....I'm not an employee I run it under my business name so all the expenses of getting to and doing the work...written off. Go figure. You can do it Mike...Attitude!!