What a long month this is turning into! But that is par for the course. My sister's brother-in-law passed away and she asked me to house sit for her. Then the very next day my daughter started having congestive heart problems again. Which way do I go <--->? Life tends to get whirly sometimes and I am faced with decisions. Thank goodness that AA has taught me to not drink over it and to take it easy. First, I put all this in the 3rd step prayer and turned it over and asked for His guidance. Then I called my other daughter to see if she could come help, and she could. HP always helps me figure it out. Just had to take my sister to the airport and will have to go home for a few days to get through the rest. One step at a time!
Sometimes I get strangely methodical when life is that overwhelming. Something takes over and I just start knocking one thing off my list at a time. Slowly it gets done without panic, without chaos. I am learning to slow down and allow things to resolve themselves. This morning I didn't listen to my higher power. He kept trying to show me the path and I was stubborn and truly haste did make waste. Look at how it worked out when you turned it over. Good reminder for me.
Posie...what a lesson of a share. This is how the relationship with HP works. I was sharing with another member this morning that the 3rd step prayer use to start when my eyes opened in the morning and one morning while I was saying it, HP instructed "make it shorter" and I had to think about that cause I was doing it the "book" way. I thought about my relationship with HP which was very personal...Father-Son, Creator-Child, Helper-Tool, Partners...and then I arrived at the very personal request I start my day off with now..."Place me where you want me. Tell me what to do". My HP thinks I was to wordy. I haven't got a complaint since.
Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. That was the short version, but I got interrupted...and that is ok...God telling me that it was enough. I wanted to say that I "get to" today instead of I "have to". That always helps when I change my thinking. I have to realize that it's not me going through this stuff...I'm just being of service...and I can because I'm sober today and have found serenity. Thanks so much for your kind words!
Prayers sent your way for you and your family Robin. The Program in action with everyday life situations. You're able to suit up and show up today. To be of usefullness to others. True serenity is calm during a storm. Sounds like you have that. What a gift.
Just an update...Theresa is now on a heart monitor and taking meds for her condition and will undergo an ecko next week to determine what needs to happen next. Now it's just one day at a time and we'll cross the bridges when they come up. I will house sit a few days and come home a few days and my younger daughter and the hubby will fill in between times. All I have to remember is that I don't have to drink over this, God is in CARE and charge, and to breathe! Thank you for all your kind outpourings and your support. It really helps knowing that there are people out there who care and that we don't need to do this alone.
Thank you all for your emotional support! Went back to the cardiologist today and the meds are working for my daughter. He is doubling the dose for a week to see if it helps faster...but we're relieved for now!