Today I would like to salute all those I served with,the ones that didnt make it back and the ones that made it back and are still suffering. The Vietnam Era was a rude awakening for this young pup and alcoholic.I made it thru that conflict and came back to the other war ,my addiction.That battle continued on for many year until only by the grace of God I was able to surrender and work recovery. I survived 2 wars and believe my Higher Power has me just where I am supposed to be. Down on my knees,ever grateful and humbled for a life so much better than I ever thought.Just For Today I remain committed a day at a time to remain in sobriety and be the best servant I can be. I stumble and fall daily, but I get back up and move forward remaining teachable and in grace...Have a blesed and productive day!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Saluting you and all service members!!!! (Most especially my son who served a year in Baghdad, Iraq and still serves in the Nat. Guard, a nephew who served in Kuwait and Iraq. Still serves is US Army, a father who went to Germany during Korean War, and grandfather in service during WWI.) I do NOT take for granted what soldiers have done or are doing for me!!!!
Nice post Mike. I just talked to a Vietnam vet today. If you were not drinking before that gig, I can see why many did during and after. My Dad was a Vietnam vet as well. That was a thankless task. I am thankful that today's young vets are treated with the respect you deserved way back then. I was a bit embarrassed that my era seemed to reap the collective guilt that society knew that it owed you. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
Yeah, I didn't want to be seen in public in my uniform back then ... ... ... the Hippie generation hated us ... called us 'baby killers' and such ... it was indeed hard to be proud to serve to protect our nation during that age ...
Not a time I wish to remember!!! ... I couldn't stand the 'draft card' burners ... the 'bra' burners were okay in my book though ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Amen Mike. I like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all distinguished veterans, past and present. This country owes you a debt of gratitude for a job well done. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your deeds will never be forgotten. Happy 'Veterans Day'...