I think it's reality TV for addicts, that's all. Besides, who needs to 'air' their dirty laundry on TV anyway. We have support groups (like A.A.) who can do a better job. That's real drama for you. The reality part seems more like staged drama than actual interventions -just as long as it gets ratings, though? Don't get me started on that...
-- Edited by Mr_David on Saturday 3rd of November 2012 11:17:38 AM
Watching an acholhloc and can relate on so many levels, the drunk, and the family wanting to help. What's everyone's thoughts on these shows, good/bad, for the addict or for the family? I used to watch it back in the day and would think to myself, man these people are screwed to let it get so bad, but nce I saw myself I was to guilty to watch any longer, luckily I found you all.
It takes what it takes. I bet some of those people saw themselves on tv and said, "Damn I look bad. How did I let it get that bad." Then they sobered up.
I also know it helps me to be reminded of where I don't want to go again. God "speaks" through other people.
Thanks for the topic.
Willingness without action is fantasy!
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
Denial is what it reminds me of ... there was a time when I needed to see shows like those ... because I'm reminded of thinking, I hope I never get THAT bad ... I became the very same kind of people I used to pity ... friends and family could see me doing things that I refused to see myself ... It really is a shame I wasted so many years of productive life this way ... but it is also a blessing that I stopped digging my hole any deeper ...
I think those type shows can be of use to those who still suffer, if for no other reason than to keep their dilemma ever in the forefront of their minds ... and then with the next 'bottom', then maybe, just maybe, they'll come to realize the nature of their situation and seek help ...
There are few 'reality shows' I even care to watch, but those dealing with alcohol abuse do seem to offer some sort of avenue, to the person who still suffers, to question their own life ... and just maybe, they're ready for help ... or maybe they see themselves and think, I can't deny the signs any more ... my drinking like those on TV is just not a coincidence ... there's more to it ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
While on an airplane once, the show intervention was being recorded. I had never heard of it and wasn't in recovery at the time. Still haven't seen anything of it other than previews, so I can't tell you how real I think it is, but I will tell you that the actor who was the one being intervened upon was cued to do his line - the camera's turned on, and I was A-MAZED at the acting skills of this guy! They could literally say "action" and he would be crying, full blown flailing sobs and stories, and then they would say "cut" and he was completely back to normal, laughing, talking to others normally, he even ordered a drink from the attendant! LOL Then he'd put it away - and back into his script of sob stories and INSTANT tears. I mean instant. I had no idea actors were so very skilled in that way. I thought on movies and shows they would cut away and then put drops or something in peoples eyes to make them look like they were crying!
I have yet to actually watch the tv show especially since knowing it's all acting and scripted.
-- Edited by justadrunk on Thursday 1st of November 2012 12:25:10 PM
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I can watch the ones where a person has a crack problem or meth problem and still be a little detached. I have seen a few where alcohol was the primary problem and I was cringing. In early recovery, it hurt to bad to watch. Now I will start screaming at the TV or just shake my head. Mostly, I know that in the end, almost all the interventions are successful on the shows....HOWEVER, they show next to NOTHING about recovery and EVERYTHING about the disease. That is like purposely going to a speaker meeting where you know there will be nothing but a drunkalog and no talk of recovery. I'd probably skip it now that I seek recovery and not to watch trainwrecks (which is the fundamental experience of reality TV).
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Yeah. I hate to see people being objectified for all the world to see because of their disease (regardless of the form), but selfishly the show has actually given me a lot of personal insight. When I see someone on the show so drunk that they are slurring and stumbling, I ache when I think of how many times my friends and family members have seen me in the same state. When someone on the show gets mean and spiteful to those that love them the most, I have to come to terms with the reality that I have also done that to people I love. And when people go through rehab, they usually look SO much better and more alive than they did at the peak of their substance abuse. The themes in the show - the denial, the anger, the denial, the pain, and the denial - have all been prevelant in my life, and watching it on television at times has felt like someone holding up a mirror. Certainly not all of the episodes have this impact, but the ones focused on alcohol sure do. I just hope younger folks watch the show and understand all of the horror that they can avoid. Great topic.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
I have to admit I watch Intervention, and not only that, I bet my husband whether or not the person will go to treatment, and if they do, if they will bail out early/relapse. I'm usually a pretty good at guessing the outcome. I can't even imagine being on one of those shows when I was intervened on. The one thing I can relate to is the look in the drunk's eyes when they realize they have absolutely no other option left but to get sober. It still takes me back in time over 6 years ago when I realized the jig was up, and there was only one thing to do.
I can't watch those shows because they give me bad dreams. That show, Addicted, has too many images of use. Though I haven't abused the substances they show, it really upsets me to watch. I stopped watching it after I dreamt of ppl smoking meth for what seemed like all night.