awesome story Rick, glad you had a good time. I'm curious about this ship accident. I'm a "Navy Brat". Born on a Navy base and lived on a bunch of others. what happened to that ship?
Vietnam [edit]Collision with HMAS Melbourne Main article: Melbourne-Evans collision
Evans post collision At around 3 a.m. on 3 June 1969, between Saigon and Spratly Island, Evans was operating with the Royal Australian Navy in company with Melbourne which was at flying stations. Melbourne signalled Evans, then to port of the carrier, to take up the rescue destroyer position. The logical movement would be to turn to port and describe a circle taking up station on the carrier's port quarter. Inexplicably, instead of turning to port, Evans turned to starboard, cutting across Melbourne's bow, and was cut in half in the ensuing collision. She crossed the bow of the Melbourne twice as she was hit on the port side. Her bow section sank instantly, taking 74 of her crew with it. At the time of the collision Evans's captain was asleep. The officer of the deck (a junior officer who was not qualified to stand watch, having failed at his previous board) failed to notify him when he executed the station change, as required by the Commanding Officer's standing orders. Evans was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 1 July 1969. The stern section was sunk as a target in Subic Bay on 10 October 1969.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Great stuff Rick, thanks for sharing this! Rock solid sobriety that's an inspiration for this drunk. And thanks also giving me sight of the remarkable fellowship you have from that night. Had never heard of that tragedy until now.