ok, I just wanted to say I have been slacking a little on posting here. I read a few posts every morning and usually every evening quickly but I have been so swamped that I haven't posted or replied a ton. I just don't want you to think I have been slacking in my recovery. Today is 30 days sober and I feel pretty good. I just have been so swamped with school work, kids activities and I have been trying to squeeze as much work in as possible so I can save up a bit (first last and security if I ever find a place). I have had thoughts here and there but I have been able to handle it well I think. There was a couple raving moments where I let life get the better of me, little things that add up to not much and I really wanted a drink but I was able to talk about it and tell my self...today...today...today...and I go through 30 of them. Thanks so much to all who have been there for me and listened to me, I couldn't have gotten this far without!
Congrats on 30 days Alias ... ... feels great doesn't it? ...
Keep up the good work but don't get too tired ... remember HALT ... never get too Hungary, Angry, Lonely, Tired ...
AND for sure remember the 'Serenity Prayer' ... early in my sobriety, sometimes it was saying that short little prayer was the only thing that got me through the day ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Great stuff. 30 days was huge for me. You'll have ups and downs in life, of course, but not much will match gutsing it out for that 30 when you look back on it. Be proud of what you've done because it's a real miracle for an alcoholic to go thirty days without a drink. Congrats.
Congrats to you!! It just keeps gettin' better, not always easier, but definitely better. :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.