Another month sober and smoke free, 5 sober 10 smoke free. Alot of hard work, alot deceiding who I want to be and becoming who I am. I am a sober, life enjoying father, and husband, with a great support system which includes each and every single person on this board! Thank you!
So even though I've been here I never told my story, so here is a summary. My entire family were drinkers, grandmother was barmaid at some of the roughest, mother and father both big drinkers. As a young child I did not know my father other than seeing him stumble in the house after a day of drinking at the construction city, followed by the night t the local water hole. Mother even though a daily drinker, was albeit more involved school an such. At 13 my father got hurt on the job, puntured a lung, while in hospital he stop drinking! The following year was nice, I finally got to know him, while at the same point watched him die. While in hospital for his lung injury thy found lung cancer which ended up taking his life. That summer my mother, who at the time was drinking more and more, sent me to FL to visit some family for the summer to get over my father. 6 weeks into my trip I get a call to return home asap. I o and head straight to the hospital, I walk in the room, to an orange sinked blotted mother. Not knowing what was going on I played stupid, that afternoon the Dr came and and told us without a transplant she would not survive, 3 days wasn't much time to look. So being 14 and loosing both parents within 6 months of each other did some damage. I went to live with these great friends of the family, much older with grand kids already. They did there best, but I was a mess star ted drinking smoking pot, then theiving cocaine, name I did it. By 18 I was on my own with a life insurance policy living life. By 19, broke, smashed my new car, dwi, lost lic, and that was it. Drinking ever since. Jump ahead 10 years bought house in the wrong market drinking more than every two kids later different house, one in fourclouser and I'm a liter deep in rum everynite. Blackouts were my way to fall asleep. All I cared about was if I had enough booze for the night, I'd wake at 5 and try to remember where I hid the last bottle to check inventory and see how my day would go. I started feeling the effects, kidneys hurt, body hurt, eyes were kiler blod shot 24 7. I finaaly came to my senses I had to stop. Took 15 years for swimming in the bottle and almost loosing myself and kids too see how bad it was.
Congrats flipper ... on your 5 months ... that's quite a feat in and of itself ...
At least you're not digging your financial hole any deeper ... remember, it's just stuff ... as long as you have food, shelter, and clothing, you're in great shape ... thanks for your post ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Congrats to you! What happened in the past doesn't have to define your future. Keep fightin' the good fight! :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Wow Flipper, great story, thanks for sharing. I heard a lot about myself in there, as I was a raging alcoholic and drug addict by mid teens. Many of us here have similar stories, some worse, some not so much. What matters is our relationship with booze and how it was killing us. I'm really glad that you're here. Stick around and experience the miracle that is the fellowship of AA and the steps.
Congratulations on 5 months sober. Your story sounded somewhat like mine and others Ive heard, it keeps getting better, so keep using the program. Congratulations.
Thanks for sharing that about yourself - very enlightening. Feels like you're just going through the motions of life - even when the big things happen like the birth of children, and buying homes. I know the feeling of deep loss and despair - the hardening of the heart - the desire to feel better, but no apparent outlet or choice other than the very thing that destroyed you in the first place : (
We see now there is another choice, and decide not to use any of the excuses we can find in our past - to keep reliving the past. To keep the misery perpetual. I didn't want to pass it on to yet another generation. In a moment of clarity, I realized that I was capable of giving my children a different chance - I was capable of showing them a different way, a different life style, a different way of looking at things, a different way of showing love than what I was shown. I just had to learn them myself first ; ) (er um... still learning today that's for sure).
So that's why I keep at it - keep trying my hardest to change - believe and squeeze on tight to change when I see it - ask the tough questions, that only get answered when I'm honest. Willingness - honesty - openness for you in my prayers brother! You're off to an exceptional start : )
Congratulations on on 5 months! Tasha
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Congratulations, Flipper. Thanks for the share. We all have our stories, and everybody can usually identify with at the least, a few of the high and low points that we all share. The important thing is that we're all here, each with our own journey both behind and ahead of us. Sharing, I think that's what it's all about, the sharing and reaching out. I'm also dual addicted, (cannot give up my nicotine, tho!) and I listen carefully to everyone's story to bring my own back to me. Newcomers, reaching out and listening, offering what we can with our own experiences, that's the beauty of this board and the program. I usually just drop in and catch up on the reading, Dean and everyone seems to be busy busy here, and keepin' it smooth! Welcome to the new mods! So, glad you made it here, and it's wonderful to hear how far you've come. It gives others who come here hope to know someone else was where they're at. Keep coming back. Chris