I find that recovery isn't an easy process but it's simple. It requires willingness, open-mindedness, and honesty.
So it's basically the willingess to do the 12 steps and continue seeking, to be open-minded to whatever I find and see how it applies to me, and to be honest with myself even when it hurts so I can keep growing.
Basically most people live in the illusion. What others think of us, how we look or appear to others, how to get what we "need", etc. This is not the 4th dimension of life. In the 4th dimension there is only Truth (God) and God loves us all equally. All that other stuff is truly hogwash.
Because most folks live in the illusion they can't see beyond it into reality, what really matters. But we in Alcoholics Anonymous have the 12 steps and a spiritual awakening and we know there's a deeper, richer way of living...it was handed to us freely.
In sitting with the pains of growth we will need to love and support each other. Most of us will be lucky to have 1 or 2 true good friends in this lifetime as we age especially. I try to lower my expectations of others and raise them of myself as I go on this path, always trying to align my will with God's more as I go along.
Know yourself. Trust yourself. Have the courage to Be yourself and never apologize for yourself unless an apology is in order.
And once you have something to give, Give.
That is basically my purpose in life and it keeps me busy. Those living in the illusion may say that's "lame" or "what about having fun" or "why don't you put away your books for a day." I know myself and what I need to do on a daily basis...I'm beyond human aid and approval and no boyfriend or cahs windfall will fix me. It's the life I've been given and the life I choose.
Even on the worst days (and I have 'em) I have a design for living that works in rough going...the sun does shine again...I am fulfilled.
Wow. This is awesome! Sometimes I am a bit frustrated to be an alcoholic, but this post has made me grateful to be an alcoholic. It is for that reason I have AA and the program. The design for living as Odat so gracefully said. Mmmm... I can and will read this one over again. Thank so much for your thoughts and words.