I was feeling pretty crummy all day and didn't want to get up to go to a meeting, but my HP gave me a big ol' push and I went anyway. Got there just in time to witness a man receive a chip for his 40th year. Even better, his wife was there to celebrate her 40th Al-Anon anniversary with him. I've only been going to this meeting for a few weeks but every week it's something that I needed to hear or see. No longer feeling crummy, and now I've got so much more hope for the future. So thank you to my HP and for this man and his wife for being there for me, and thank you MIP board for letting me share. :)
Great share Emy. I can only imagine what 40 years truly feels like. It must feel really special, at least it has for them. Who knows, maybe some day that will be us. God speed...
Let's see, for me to reach 40 years sober, I'm looking at a 'day at a time' for uh ... ... ... .. ... .... damn, another uh ... ... ... well, let's just say I'll have to live to the age of 95 to reach that milestone ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'