I hate mint. Especially in toothpaste. So we bought cinnamon toothpaste. Now, after I brush my teeth (I do this morning, after work and bedtime) he asks, have you been drinking? Of course not. I'm not upset, I think it's funny. But my brain was like "now I can drink and blame it on toothpaste!" WTF... Alcohol is trying to ruin me. First Bo skittles and now toothpaste. What's next? Soap? So that I have to avoid all personal hygiene?
And then I was on another site, neither for nor against drugs and they listed these comics and how you could order drugs online under the guise of comics (flash=meth, hulk=Viagra, pcp=wonderwoman) and I'm just feeling a bit on-guard. Like around any corner it could sneak up on me and I must have my light-saber on hand. Pffft... Eff this ridiculous disease.
Glad your all here. Hope someone got a kick out of this. Stay off the listerine.
In the end, everything will be alright. If it is not alright, it is not the end... Paulo coelho (also marigold hotel)
Hahaha.. That is hysterical. Did you know listerine is something like 40% alcohol btw?? They make an alcohol free version now:) I can't say that I've had crazy cravings or anything ( I think by the time I got sober I was just DONE.. ). I truly have been blessed in this regard, I think. BUT I have found that if I put a lime in any beverage, it grosses me out and it tastes horrible.. I used to drink vodka tonics extra lime. No carbonated water for me.. It now disgusts me. I guess it's like an aversion obsession or something... If there is such a thing.
This comes under the heading of: ... Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful ... ... ...
Alcohol will sit back and toy with your mind ... EVEN when we reach the point we think we're in the clear ... A smell, a sound, a slice of lime, a certain activity, a certain place ... they are out there ... and they lie in wait to trigger our 'auto-response' system ... It is only when we have sufficiently turned ourselves over to this program and worked the steps and put into practice, daily, the principles of AA that we start to build that shield around ourselves ... that shield that makes relapse unlikely ... Until that point in time we must be on 'high alert' everywhere we go and in everything we do ...
Listerine ??? ... Yep, I heard about that in an AA meeting once ... and when I decided to go back out on maneuvers ... guess what, I went with the knowledge that I could walk into any drug store with impunity, and purchase alcohol on days prohibiting 'alcohol sales' ... 24 hours a day ... Now I can testify that you can indeed get drunk off that shit, however, it WILL destroy the lining in the wall of your stomach and excelerate bleeding ulcers ... not to mention tearing up the esophagus ... Oh, it'll get you 'high' alright, but at a tremendous cost to your health way above and beyond the heavy other types of alcohol ... To this day, I cannot, will not, dare not, use any type of mouthwash ... Brushing will have to do for me ... (I did in fact drink a lot of Listerine, mostly at work ... BUT, they 'caught-on' to me and it was 'bye-bye' job ...)
Since you mentioned the Listerine, I related my story on it ... But seriously, I must question some of my sharing at meetings now-a-days, and here too ... cause in revealing some of my 'trade-secrets', I may just be giving someone else the knowledge of how to support their disease if they choose not to stick around ... So be careful of actually mentioning your 'drug discoveries' on the internet ... now, if I were so inclined, I would think, if I only use the right 'search engine' with the right wording, I too could find these drugs ... so we should be careful with just what it is we share here and elsewhere ...
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Glad your all here. Hope someone got a kick out of this. Stay off the listerine.
Yeah, I already had my "Listerine" moment, so I'll pass. They actually make cinnamon toothpaste, really? I prefer mint toothpaste myself, just the natural kind that's all. I use alcohol-free mouthwash these days as well, just because. I don't need any more alcohol swirling around my mouth, if you get my drift. Alcoholism does suck, but there are worse things dear. So keep your nose to the grindstone Neophyte, because you'll never know what this disease will throw at you. I'll end with that.
Hahaha.. That is hysterical. Did you know listerine is something like 40% alcohol btw?? They make an alcohol free version now:) I can't say that I've had crazy cravings or anything ( I think by the time I got sober I was just DONE.. ). I truly have been blessed in this regard, I think. BUT I have found that if I put a lime in any beverage, it grosses me out and it tastes horrible.. I used to drink vodka tonics extra lime. No carbonated water for me.. It now disgusts me. I guess it's like an aversion obsession or something... If there is such a thing.
yes. And non al oholic beer has less than that but teens can buy listerine but not o duels ll WTF?? Crazy country
In the end, everything will be alright. If it is not alright, it is not the end... Paulo coelho (also marigold hotel)
Ok.. This is a lil twisted. So I'm kinda one of those weirdo 'only all natural' products and organic foods gal.. I've been like this for years.. That's an issue for a whole other website haha( the evils of chemicals).. But I drank copious amounts of literal poison daily for years and years.. Hello?!? Maybe I thought I could combat the physical harm caused by being an active alcoholic by using all natural makeup, or eating an organic apple lol. How ridiculous is that logic.. Well there IS no logic- I guess that's the point! Oh, and as far as smoking is concerned? Well, they are 'all natural' soooo.. What?!? Sometimes i wonder about myself LOL
Alcohol is not trying to ruin you, nor are skittles, or the soap. And although Manny people do not have a good relationship with Listerine, ( show up to my home group and you'll see what I'm talking about), its not even the Listerine. Its your head. Your thinking is screwed up. You are the problem. The steps are actions that WILL change your thinking and relationship with life. We can not change our thinking by thinking with a mind that is bent. Step 3 says " made a decision to turn our will and our life over to the care of God " our will is our thinking and our life is our actions. If your thinking is bent and crappy your gonna have a bent and crappy life. Only through actions can we change our thinking. That's what the steps are for. Its that simple. Just gotta do it.
Since it cost a lot to win, and even more to loose, you and me gotta spend some time just wondering what to choose.
Stay away from Indian food also. I can home and my wife (who is also In AA), was asleep in bed I thought she had been drinking, but it was just the curry coming out of her pores...the room smelled horrible :)).
Good thing we are not responsible for out thoughts, only what we do with them and our actions.
Unfortunately, all other people have to work with is our track record, and it's usually pretty shitty...thus the slogan "we have to give time, time".
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
Jack- I wasn't trying to be whiny, just a bit tired of having my thoughts still revolve around that stuff. My body seems to have adjusted pretty well. I was hoping my mind would catch up as well.
Rob- Thanks for the encouragement. When I prove I'm better he'll see I'm better.
In the end, everything will be alright. If it is not alright, it is not the end... Paulo coelho (also marigold hotel)
I don't think 'billyjack's' message was saying that you were whiny, only that you must give yourself time to allow the 'change' in thinking to occur and catch up with the body's progress ... As we go to meetings and more meetings and study the BB and the 12X12, we come to realize the actions needed to secure ourselves in sobriety ... once we start practicing these things in all our daily business, we begin to think of little else ... that's when we reach the point that if confronted by alcohol, we recoil from it as if from a hot flame ... Then you begin to realize that the promises have come true ... pg. 84, BB ... Are these extravagant promises ? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us --- --- sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materalize if we work for them. ... ... ...
Love ya, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'