My last post was about how I couldn't grasp the whole HP idea, and there is some mental block I'm having about the whole idea but I think its all starting to make sense. The past three months have been great but boy there have been many hurdles and road blocks. I had to travel to FL, when I got there I was to rent a car, well my flight was delayed 8 hours, therefore I did not need the rental as family could then arrange a pick up. Come to find out the last payment I made to my credit hadn't post yet so I wouldn't have had the funds to get the car anyway. Then I received notice that my utilities were due for disconnect as of the 2nd. I called on the 1st to make see if I could make an arrange ment as funds were tight due to rent just being paid and I notice that even though they originally stated the 2nd disconnect just happened to be date the 13th day after my next pay check. So as you can see those are two situations that just happened to play in my favor, or...........????????
Oh as I was typing this my soon threw up all over me! But that's OK, things could be much worse!
: ) Thanks for sharing flipper. I know all about getting puked on. Once I was giving my son an airplane ride while laying on my back - and soaring him around on my feet. I was laughing with my mouth wide open, and I guess the pressure of my feet on his tummy was too much. You can imagine what happened. Yup - right in my mouth.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Oh Lord Tasha, ... ... well, and flipper ... that was way TMI ... and right after I finished my ice cream too ... crap, I don't feel so good now ... uh, later
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Ladies, you are wonderful sisters in AA, this site has connected me with a family i never would have known. watching both of you grow in wonderful ways, and life is never boring when sober and actually living today to its fullest. and as Moms, my daughter in law put it best... "what do i do in my spare time?...Mothers don't do spare time!" thank you for helping to keep me sober. sheila/jj