Hey all:) today I just wanted to write about gratitude. I am profoundly grateful for sobriety. My life has changed tremendously since becoming sober. Im grateful for the fellowship of aa.. Never thought I'd say THOSE words lol. The fact that I have God in my life everyday, and that I welcome that relationship instead of living I'm fear of it. I'm grateful that I can FINALLY sit down and read a book without my mind being 10 other places. The simple pleasure of being able to sit (somewhat) comfortably in my own skin, as opposed to being filled with an overwhelming and directionless rage and sadness. Grateful that I can now spend my very hard earned money on stuff like bills, groceries, and stupid crap for my apartment, instead of giving it all to bartenders. The " foggy turmoil" I've been in for the past 80someodd days is lifting. The pit of despair I'd lived in for over 2 decades can be seen with clarity. I can go through the 4th and 5th steps fearlessly, and with a strength I had forgotten I possessed. For all of these things, both profound and silly, I am grateful:) its been a great 24 hours.
I was just feeling 'so-so' tonight ... but your post just gave me a shot of gratitude just knowing the program is working for you ... ... ... YOU made my day, thanks
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Haha pappy.. Thanks for saying that. Incidenty, the book I was referring to is 'the shack'.. Made it more than halfway through last night and had to force myself to put it down so I wouldn't be a train wreck for work in morning. If I can't put it down tonight and I'm cranky at 4am ( time I get up for work).. I'm blaming YOU:)
The trouble with it being hard to put down now will only get worse when you finish ... ... ... LOL ... ... ... Ya see.? ... when you finish, your head will go WHAT! ... and it's all you'll think about for days ... ... ... AND you'll be going back to the book over and over to find the special passage that you want to share with someone else and then you find yourself reading the darn thing all over again ... and again, and again, and again ... ...
Trust me, start 'ear marking' pages now ... ... AND have a 'hi-lighter' with you ... The wisdom in that book is 'timeless' and you'll want it with you wherever you go ...
May Papa Bless You and yours, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Oh no dean.. I've only just begun the 4th step.. I was saying its great to not be AFRAID to take an honest look at myself, both the good parts and not so good parts
I used the word "doing", that's present tense . Still not too many of us are even thinking about doing a 4th step inside of 3 months, that's outstanding.