realizing lately that when it comes to drinking I go to extremes...years ago went to AA but ran from it due to all the people wanted to talk about was God...problems weren't figured out and walked away. Now I am with a great guy and we've been together 2 1/2 yrs..when I met him we were both drunk but he started going back to AA. He nags tho at me telling me and my friends etc that I am a alcoholic and even his sponsor told him that he is not the one to pass judgement. So every week he bugs me and I am one of those that gets bugged enough I sink my heels into ground and refuse. Plus asked him if I went and tried talking about the probs at home like he does is he going to get upset with me..he said yes if I feel it's not the again another reason not to go to a meeting etc with him and everyone knows him so I don't feel comfortable going due to he has told me he sounds off etc there...he's also a social butterfly and I'm 46 on disability and not one to go to places and pour my heart out in front of people I don't know. He doesn't know I am here at this forum etc and rather he didn't. But it hit me this morning that I had bought 6 double deuces of miller lite planning on drinking 3 and drank 5 and poured the last one down the drain. I was adopted and my birthmom's biological mom died in a shelter from scerosis of the liver due to drinking. My dad always told me the way I can drink alot of anything would be easy for me to be a alcoholic...realizing I am a functioning alcoholic but stay at home and the drink at night is ok..I have severe psoriatic arthritis in spine and use the drinking as a excuse of boredom and it fights the pain...realizing now if there is a excuse to drink I use it. Never saw myself as a alcoholic due to I drink in spurts and then go thru dry spells then another spurt...then my bf says he won't marry me unless I quit drinking...another reason I sink my feet in..shouldn't be stipulations to getting married..we've both been married twice and now not even sure I want to. For the longest time he got mad at me for drinking...then he went back to a old job and now he buys the alcohol in 5ths and drinks too...and like a week ago..he was drinking then went to the AA Club and I mentioned his drinking and he was like oh well they need my help on something..he was clean also thru na but he takes my pain meds or his mom's to finding out that he told them at na it was a presciption for like I told him..I feel it's do as I say,not as I do...he gets brought upon myself to find a forum and try it. Like I said before..all I heard was God this,God that etc..I grew up a minister's daughter and literally had God shoved down my I believe in God but am also wiccan..I am trying to figure out what my trigger points on when it comes to drinking and how to change things..another reason I don't want my bf to know is everytime I do say I am going to try to quit he calls me a liar..but he listens all hrs of the night when anyone calls for support from AA..I guess I don't feel like I feel I need to prove myself to him, and just because a person walks in the door doesn't make church, you could go every weekend, dress up and profess your belief in God but that doesn't mean you are saved or a christian, then the rest of the week you do your own me I grew up seeing this every weekend and seeing the hypocrites...well here I am sounding off..tomorrow is going to be a little tempting but if I can get pass is due to I get my ssdi check and usually buy's sooo tempting but I got to try...oh well..thanks for listening.
Thanks Steve..just told a close friend in confidence I joined here..she was happy due to she even said she was getting worried about how much I have been drinking with my meds and all..wrote it in my datebook starting day at a time like they say
Welcome to MIP froghopper66.....I'm glad you found us....And I'm glad you decided to post. Don't let the God thing get you worked up....Like Steve mentioned...All you need to be a member is a desire to stop drinking...Sounds like you have that. I have a real good site here that covers AA for a newcomer...Answers a lot of questions you might have....Including some on God....It is a spritual program...Not religious...There is a difference. One thing I might suggest to you if you are interested in going to AA....Would be going to a different meeting than your boyfriend...This would be your recovery...Not his...And you need to and have to want to do this for you. I'll also post a Big Book online you can take a look at....Read the Doctor's Opinion and the first few chapters and see if you can relate to it...I saw a lot of myself in this book and it saved my life....I'd recommend getting a copy...Again...Glad you are here...Keep coming back...And keep posting.
actually I have the books the daily AA devotional friend I chatted with also went to AA when she was going thru detox of oxy and bf's at a meeting right now..problem is no matter which one here I go to..they all know him...we have 3 here..and still not even sure I want to tell him..if I go again which thinking of as soon as I get my plates renewed tomorrow I don't think I will say anything to him for daddy is a retired seventh day adventist minister so trust me as my friends say..hard to argue the bible with me lol he trained ministers ..when it all hit me today I realized how bad I have gotten..have tiny bottles (empty) of jack in my desk, had a couple novelty items with alcohol in them in my collectables and just noticed today they were even drank and gone...if I do finally tell him, I will let him know this is my decision and doing it for me and no one else..cause he's one that will say I told you so me he's not a total jerk...but this is going to be at my pace and not his...also going to tell him to stop asking me or nagging about going to meetings with my own time if I so choose. I know I am not the only one fighting this either..and I am sure some of you have the same type of story as I do...I think the final was I have severe psoriatic arthritis in spine..also have ptsd,anxiety stress disorder and depression etc..and with my spine I sit at home not being able to do all the things I loved so out of boredom starting drinking more..I had gastric bypass due to health in 2009 so it's also quitting for my health..been tearing my stomach up...and I know I have a good support friend in the one I talked today..we met 4 yrs ago..she was homeless just got out of rehab and I had just lost my house thru a divorce so was getting kicked out...we've been thru it all and knowing this , I know she'll be there for support..and really do appreciate the replies and encouragement ;)
You have an idea what's going on then...Try not to worry if other people know your BF...I suggest you find a meeting you can make your homegroup....Find a sponsor and work your own program...What other people think about you is none of your business....Keep posting....You'll find great support here....I think you're making a great decision!
Thank you for the warm I never realized when you drink you don't think about not drinking..last night after making the decision I have to quit it was on my mind bigtime! My friend I told you about asked me for the link for this forum....she said she's going to check it out too..she just moved to phillipines to get married and before she left we'd drink anywhere from 3-6 boones farm sangrias together...Throughout the yrs since I was adopted at age 3 where they found vodka in my baby bottle and even after adopted had a strong attachment to a bottle til I was 6 and my folks said enough is enough. Been thru alot growing up..alot of physical abuse which is part of why I have the back probs bad,digestive tract is messed up, you name it...I had gotten the adopted mom who her and my new brothers resented me because I was a daddy's girl. Took my mom until I was 42 yrs old to look at me and my kids and shocked me by saying "you know I did you wrong with how I treated you, told you you'd fail etc..I now see the relationship you have with your son and daughter and now wish I could go back and redo and be the mom you are" sad thing is she passed this last march and had lost 1 brother in Jan (he was another black sheep,he was adopted too) and she lost my big brother in 2002 from cancer..he was my hero. So now theres just my daddy, 1 last brother and me..and now my brother is trying to make up for all the abuse he and my mom did with me growing up. won't write a book here but in short..went thru 2 failed marriages with physical domestic assault, all I knew growing up from my mom...2 rapes, worked and every job I could to raise my kids..2nd husband is a alcoholic bigtime and I refuse to drink like does from morning to night. I guess with alot of my life I am not ready to go to a meeting and have people probe into me and trusting yet...tho I am a survivor and made alot of changes in my life. Last time I drank like this in 97 was going thru a child custody fight,a rape, a broken relationship etc and almost succeeded in killing myself. I refuse to get to that point again. Been throughout my life in couseling thru CADA and they even told me I need to write a book on my life to show other women they can survive too. Before I can ever imagine doing that I have to prove to myself I can break myself of the drinking, from going from physical abuse to alcohol abuse..then I can help other women. Helped set up a site in 2000 forum for women who have been abused and cheated on etc..private area for them to go and get support..I need to go there too again soon..but let me get myself straightened out first..again ya'll tysm for listening and the welcome...
I guess with alot of my life I am not ready to go to a meeting and have people probe into me and trusting yet...
You don't ever have to talk about your past in meetings and nobody will ever ask you about it. I don't go to meetings to talk about my past or listen to other people talk about theirs...I go to talk about and hear about the solution....I suggest you do the same. It's all about the solution.
after my last post stepchild I was going thru my desk for some papers to finish getting my kids signed up with FAFSA for college today..I found a directory from AA here showing where all the alano clubs are around figure when I get my car legal and bf is work I'll find one...I guess what I fear too is I see the nightmare to me that is with the sponsor bit bf has 5 sponsors and he calls them everyday or they call him all the time it seems and the phone is constantly going off all hrs at night waking me up and then it's them talking to him about his personal life thing with me is I don't even have a house phone...have a cell and leave it off at night so I can sleep..I hate talking on the phone and to me that would be a anxiety attack alone....also I have to get over the resentment I have with him going to meetings..I guess it's not just meetings could be like some going to the bar and rarely coming home which hurts a relationship...I feel the 3rd party when it come to him and AA and then he'll leave work everynight and I don't see him til maybe 11pm and it's really making me draw away from him...sundays was suppose to be our day and instead he's gone every sunday with people from AA trailwalking and gone from 10am til about 9pm..when I try and tell him that I would like some time with him..he's like well I asked you to go with us...I physically can't do the trailwalking they do anymore and rock climbing I feel at times he uses AA as a crutch to not work on then I sit home and drink and get upset from being alone most the time..he's native american and he is involved with the tribe here and the native meetings at the alano clubs here..why I say they all know him...can't miss a 6'4 indian that's 300lbs and talks to everyone..another reason I don't go to the club with him..he says it's to spend time together but he takes off to talk to everyone else and not comfortable being in public situations I don't know or feel safe I said alot has happened in my life where I can't even walk down our street without a cell to my ear calling a friend to talk because just walking two blocks to the store scares the living daylights out of me...always been a computer geek and always felt more comfortable online...and the ones I normally chat with I know sooo...also....what do you drink?? what I mean is I can't drink coffee due to stomach but always have to have a drink with me..drinking alot of sweet tea , water and pop...
I recommend...As far as your recovery goes...You forget about him. This is your recovery and yours only. Find a sponsor who has what you want...And let her show you how she got it...I called my sponsor once a day to check in for my first 90 days...He never called me. Stop thinking about why it won't work...Open your mind....And start thinking about how it will work. I know it works....Or I wouldn't be telling you this. My past was no better or worse than yours....I use it now to help people. There is a new life for you if you want it....If I were you....I'd go get it.