I had every intention of making a 7 pm meeting yesterday. Unavoidable things got in the way and at 7:15 I returned home to re-group. I REALLY NEEDED a meeting, that much I was sure of. My attitude was pure ugly yesterday and I was craving a drink like I hadnt' in a couple of days.
I went online looking for anything within driving distance with the gas I had.
Too far...
not enough time to get there...
AH HA!!! CLose enough, check, enough time to get there, check! I don't know exactly where this is but I know the general area. When I got in the vicinity of where I thought it should be, I made a random turn (can't see after dark worth a damn!). I'm watching cross street signs all the way down the hill and I'm starting to get nervous cause I'm not seeing what I'm looking for.
All of sudden I noticed a sign for the name of the street I was on and..... it was one of the intersection streets I needed! The street I was looking for was the very last cross street. My random turn (hmmm... random must be a lot like coincidence...) led me exactly where I needed to go!
I thanked God in the parking lot for lighting my way. I go in and Praise the Lord, it's air conditioned (first place I've been in for a meeting that had that luxury and it was still nearly 90 degrees). It's a speaker meeting, my first. The speaker was a female with 34 years of sobriety and nearly everything she said hit a home run for me!
I not only needed a meeting, I needed THIS meeting. My HP made sure I got there whether I wanted to or not. The whole world become a brighter place. My attitide changed from ugly to almost sunny and I am still riding on a wave of gratefulness.
You can't change where you've been, you can only change where you're going
Stick around a while ... You ain't seen nothin' yet ... this sort of stuff will happen often enough that it's impossible to write it off to coincidence ...
Love it when a plan comes together!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Stick around a while ... You ain't seen nothin' yet ... this sort of stuff will happen often enough that it's impossible to write it off to coincidence ...
Yup ain't much on coincidences either! The God of my understanding always has a plan ,I just have to remain receptive by continually increasing to improve my "conscious contact' with My Higher Power to the best of my ability.Have a blessed and productive day!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.