Yeah, don't drink anymore today and go to a meeting tonight ... call AA regional and get someone to pick you up ...
Keep an open mind and look for the similarities that you identify with when others share ... The solution is right in front of you ... all you need is but ask ...
May God help you make the right decision, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
My suggestion...get out of relapse mode now and start attending meetings instead. Get a sponsor, start working the steps, and never give up hope. A.A. has been my lifeline for the past 10+ years and by golly it should be yours too. Welcome to "MIP"...
There is a major difference between abstinence and recovery.Our journey begins by putting down the substance and have a 'DESIRE " to stop drinking.WE make an admission of our powerlessness over that first drink and an emotional acceptance of utter defeat as we continue to pick up.(1st step)The journey begins by making a meeting listening to learn,reaching out for a sponsor(just another alcoholic who has time not using and has been working in the SOLUTION,our steps!Our foundation(first 3 steps),admission,acceptance,coming to believe and allowing a Power greater than ourselves the care of our will and our lives.
Have you worked the steps,made any meetings,gotten a sponsor,shared from your heart and tried to get into the exact nature of whats going on?Only you know the inside things going on.....
WE do have a program that will help those who want it not necessarily those who need it! It is a blessing to see you step out here,you can give yourself a break,try a meeting,take a look inside,follow suggestions and do the daily work..You can do this and WE can do it together.Keep coming back ,let us know if you are moving forward in RECOVERY,not just abstinence.....Peace.
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
I suggest to go day by day. Do all the things suggested by the other posters. Find activities that require you to stay sober and plan meetings around times you may normally drink. Whenever you have an urge to drink, go to a meeting. There's meetings everywhere at all times of the day.
Are you beaten yet? Are you willing to concede defeat? It's a strange paradox with this disease that the road to victory begins with total surrender. When I reached this point, step 1 without any reservations whatsoever, my new life began through the 12 steps of AA.
Kepp posting Nick. weve been where you are, and we know the way out.
Hello Nick and welcome back. Did some event, like a end of a relationship or job loss, make you think of drinking again, or did you you just happily pick up a drink? Obviously drinking is only going to make problems worse and create new ones. It might help to share what's going on with you here and at a meetings asap. Get all of the booze out of your house and get to meetings daily, get back on track. Pray.